First Physical Gathering Since COVID for Mount Vernon Church

First Physical Gathering Since COVID for Mount Vernon Church

Washington Community Church holds two services on Mother’s Day.

The outdoor worship services on Mother’s Day attracted young and older families and singles.

The outdoor worship services on Mother’s Day attracted young and older families and singles.


Steve and Yury Bradcovich, pastors for Washington Community Church.


Washington Community Church music group leads drive-in worship service from a makeshift stage atop a flatbed truck.

The Washington Community Church in Mount Vernon held back to back Mother's Day drive in worship services on Sunday. Live music, gift bags for mothers, and a sermon from Pastors Steve and Zury Bradcovich atop a makeshift stage on a rented flatbed truck.

The evangelical church held two services on Sunday morning at a Pear Tree Village office complex parking lot off Route 1 in Mount Vernon for its first physical gathering of members since moving to online services due to COVID-19 restrictions. The two services accommodated parking and current social distancing requirements. Worshipers listened to the praise music and sermon on a radio frequency while maintaining six feet of social distance.