Insiders: Welcome

Insiders: Welcome

This issue of the Potomac Almanac includes our annual Newcomers and Community Guide.

Through narrative, listings, viewpoints and photographs, we endeavor to capture what it means to live here, highlights of places to visit and things to do, a snapshot of local history, help finding community resources and tips on adjusting to living here.

If you are new to the area, you’ll find resources and ideas on these pages and on our Web site, Even some longtime residents may not have visited some of the key places in and nearby their community.

We offer many more resources on our Web site.

There you will find the complete community guides for each of our 15 papers, including more extensive listings than appear in the newspapers. You can also access the print edition of each of our papers online, showing each page exactly as it appears in the paper, including cover, photos, display ads and classified advertising. Go to, and click on "Print Editions" in the red bar.

As a local, weekly newspaper, the Almanac’s mission is to bring the news you need about your community, to give you the information you need to enjoy the best things in and near your community, to advocate for community good, to provide a forum for dialogue on local concerns, and to celebrate and record milestones and events in community and people’s lives.

AT THE ALMANAC, we invite newcomers to the area and long-time residents alike to be a part of providing more reader input. Let us know how we're doing and let us know what is going on in your part of the community. If you have questions or ideas, call us or send us an e-mail.

We invite you to send letters to the editor or to send an e-mail letting us know about something you especially liked or didn't like about our coverage.

We appreciate readers' ideas. If you see something that you think might be a story, or something you have a question about, give us a call, or drop us a line. If you know of a person or an organization doing important work, something that might make a good feature story, we are looking for people to feature each week.

We want to know if someone in your family or your community published a book, became an Eagle Scout, raised money for a good cause, accomplished some feat like running a marathon or having art included in an art show. We publish photos and notes of a variety of personal milestones and community events, including births, engagements, weddings, anniversaries, awards and obituaries. We are also interested in events at your church, mosque, synagogue, community center, pool, school, club, etc.

Email us a photo and a note about the event. Be sure to include the names of all the people who are in a photo, and say when and where the photo was taken. We also publish notes about news and events from local businesses. Notes about openings, new employees, anniversaries are welcome. It is especially important to us to let people know about events ahead of time in our calendar of events. We appreciate getting notice at least two weeks ahead of the event, and we encourage photos. Events for our calendars should be free or at nominal cost and open to the public. In covering the issues, we strive to provide a voice for our readers.

I look forward to hearing from you.

— Mary Kimm,