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Alexandria: Arrest Amplifies Questions about City’s Noise Ordinances

Old Town opera singer arrested.

Busking is the act of performing in public, typically singing or playing music, in exchange for a gratuity. Anyone visiting Old Town Alexandria late at night has likely seen buskers along King Street, whether they’re playing folk songs on guitar or hymnals on a glass harp. While buskers are a staple of Old Town for many, Alexandria has a history of struggling with their presence in the developing city.

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Alexandria: The Royal Mile

Bike for Good hauls fresh fruit and vegetables from City Hall to those in need.

Seven bicyclists worked their way in a convoy up Royal Street on Aug. 17. Wagons trailed behind the bikes, each loaded with corn or tomatoes or fruit.

Upcoming Trials in Alexandria

Commonwealth Attorney's Office braces for a flurry of murder trials.

Fall 2016 and early 2017 are scheduled to be a busy time for the Commonwealth Attorney’s Office.

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Alexandria: Solar Panel Program Continues

Alexandria kicks off second year of its Solarize program.

three goals: to highlight the city priorities and for solar energy, so educate consumers on the price accessibility of greener energy options, and to help Alexandria citizens through the often technical and sometimes foreboding process of adding solar panels to a home.

Arlington County Fair Returns for 40th Anniversary

Fair to have 1970s theme.

Arlington may be part of the D.C. urban environment, but on Aug. 17 it gets back in touch with its rural roots with the Arlington County Fair.

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Alexandria: Paws to Read

Encouraging confidence in reading through puppies.

Maggie doesn’t talk back. Caroline Schofield, a second grader, can read to Maggie without judgment or being corrected. Maggie lays next to Caroline, occasionally wagging her tail and resting her head against the girl’s left while Caroline reads from a book.

Arlington: Technology, Tradition and Transition at Kenmore

New interim principal discusses his predecessor's legacy and future of the school.

Becoming the new principal of Kenmore Middle School would be difficult enough, but David McBride is stepping into a role Dr. John Word had occupied for 18 years.

Alexandria: Local Red Cross Blood Supplies Critically Low

Donate now.

Blood has a shelf life of 42 days, but in the Washington D.C. area, all available units are being snatched up within five days.

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New Homes for Arlingtonians in Need

“In terms of affordable housing, we had nothing but positive things to say about it.”

The long struggle against declining affordable housing in Arlington just received a boost. The expansion of the South Rhodes Street project near Columbia Pike will include 105 new committed affordable housing units. More than half of those units will be multi-bedroom apartments. At the July 20 County Board meeting, board members praised the new affordable housing and unanimously approved the project.

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Arlington: Lift Off for Potomac Gondola

A look at the initial feedback from citizens and advice from an existing gondola system.

The Georgetown-Rosslyn Gondola baffles people. The proposed tram alongside the Key Bridge has drawn a mixture of interest and confusion.

Back to Business in Ballston

Nine new projects to provide retail, office and residential.

As the Ballston Mall slowly begins to continue towards new life, all across Ballston new development plants are emerging.

Alexandria: Two Guilty Pleas in MS-13 Homicides

Love triangle and gangland hit go to court.

The two murders were unrelated, happening a month apart, but they share similarities.

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Alexandria is Hemorrhaging Affordable Housing

Alexandria continues to lose affordable housing.

Living in Alexandria isn’t cheap and for many locals who need affordable housing, it seems to be getting more expensive by the day.

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Arlington: The State of Affordable Housing

Arlington continues to struggle with loss of affordable housing.

With each year, Arlington becomes less and less affordable. According to David Cristeal, housing director for Arlington County, between 2000 and 2013, Arlington has lost 13,000 units of affordable housing.

Alexandria: Trial of City Council Underway

City faces allegations of corruption in rezoning case.

329 N. Washington St. is a quintessential Old Town mansion. It’s a historic, four-story home facing the George Washington Parkway on one side and the the cobblestone Princess Street on the other. Unlike most Old Town homes, however, the property is currently at the heart of a lawsuit against the City Council with allegations of corruption within City Hall.

Alexandria: Board Decides Last Minute Reversal for Patrick Henry

School Board rejects advisory group’s recommendation and approves controversial design.

A few weeks ago, it seemed almost certain that the controversy over Patrick Henry Elementary School had been settled.

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Alexandria: Ethics Pledge Passes

Limited Code of Conduct and ethics reform.

For now, the Ethics Pledge battle is over. City Council received the Code of Conduct revisions and the proposed Ethics Pledge at its May 18 meeting, to be reviewed and to determine the next steps. But while Mayor Allison Silberberg had struggled for months to get reform pushed through opposition on the council, there was one last surprise: passing it.

Alexandria: Gearing Up for Bike to Work Day

Local cyclists share tips for new riders.

On May 20, expect to see more Alexandria commuters leaving the cars in the garage. The annual “Bike to Work” day encourages commuters to try out a car-free lifestyle, and some local experts are ready with tips for new riders.

Arlington: Gearing Up for Bike to Work Day

Local cyclists share tips for new riders.

On May 20, expect to see more Arlington commuters leaving the cars in the garage. Annual “Bike to Work” day encourages commuters to try out a car-free lifestyle, and some of the local experts are ready with tips for new riders.

Alexandria: Responding to Metro Delays and Closures

City leadership and ridership look at upcoming Metro changes.

It's frustrating but necessary.