All results / Stories / Vernon Miles

Witness Protection

Spate of witness intimidations and a murder could result in new Witness Protection Program.

Officials looking into possible witness protection program

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In Their Shoes in Arlington

Activists rally outside county offices in support for immigrant protections.

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Mother of Light

Homeless assistance center faces unwelcome reception.

The social services with ties to a religious community in Falls Church was opening a center in Del Ray aimed at providing basic necessities for homeless Alexandrians. But the new center came into conflict with its Del Ray neighbors over a variety of issues, some of which were practical concerns shared by members of the City Council.

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‘This Little Church on the Corner’

Third Baptist Church celebrates historical marker unveiling.

On Saturday, June 23, a new generation of congregants came together on the same corner to celebrate the legacy of those forebearers with the installation of an official state historical marker.

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Suspensions Suspended in Alexandria

Restorative practices in city schools.

Alexandria: Responding to Hepatitis Outbreak

Exposures have ended, but symptoms may still manifest.

Anyone who dined at Tropical Smoothie Cafe around Aug. 9 may still be at risk for Hepatitis A. According to the Virginia Department of Health, a Hepatitis A outbreak has been traced to imported strawberries served at Tropical Smoothie Cafe. As of Sept. 2, there have been 37 cases in Northern Virginia, but experts say that number could still rise.

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Alexandria: War of Passive Aggression

South rises again in Alexandria to fight renaming streets and moving memorial.

Speakers at a city meeting compared the potential plans to de-Confederate Alexandria to everything from the backlash against soldiers returning home to Vietnam to ISIS and the Taliban. At the second meeting of the Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Confederate Memorials and Street Names, a public comment section sparked tensions and highlighted a deep divide in how Alexandrians still view a war over 150 years ended.

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Arlington County Board Approves 173-Unit Affordable Housing Complex

Some residents question socio-economic segregation.

For the Arlington County Board, 2015 ended on a high note. With construction scheduled to begin in 2017, the current Arlington Presbyterian Church will soon be transformed into Gilliam Place, a home for 173 families at various levels of affordable housing needs.

Arlington School Board Candidates Seek Democratic Endorsement

School overcrowding is the primary focus for both candidates.

While School Board candidates don’t run as Democrats or Republicans, earning the endorsement of a political party has created an unspoken primary. Two candidates, Reid Goldstein and Sharon Dorsey, have begun campaigning for for the Democratic endorsement. Both candidates have focused their campaigns on overcrowding in the schools, though the proposed solutions vary.

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Teaching Technology Gallery Walk Benefits Students, Teachers

Gallery Walk highlights innovations in classroom technology.

“You have died of dysentery.”

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Arlington Democrats Unite to Support ACA, but Warner Draws Fire for Amendment Vote.

Democratic Disunity

Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, the number of uninsured Virginians has fallen by 31 percent.

Alexandria: Bikeshare Installation Draws Local Ire

“I’m not happy when the city is acting as though they are above the law.”

The Capital Bikeshare’s journey into Old Town is off to a bumpy start. While city officials say the Capital Bikeshare has been a success so far, one particular station has incensed local residents who say the city isn’t following its own implementation rules. Residents say their objection to the South Royal Street Bikeshare station has nothing to do with the bikeshare or bikes in the city, but anger over the city installing a colorful sign without any type of approval or public outreach.

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Alexandria: Skirmishes over Business Proposals in Del Ray

Planning Commission navigates through conflicts.

Within an hour of returning to session: businesses, the public, and the Planning Commission were at odds. After a two-month summer break, it was business as usual in the Sept. 1 Alexandria Planning Commission meeting, where some big changes for small businesses were proposed in Del Ray. All three of the proposals centered around the growth of businesses and a school in Del Ray.

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Researching Alexandria’s African-American Ancestors

Two genealogists help African-Americans in Alexandria trace their families’ roots.

Tracing genealogies is not only impossibly frustrating for many African-American families, but many of the results they find are predictable and grim. But for two genealogists who hosted events at Alexandria’s Black History Museum, that idea obscures the powerful histories and proud legacies of many families.

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Alexandria Budget Winners and Losers

Acting city manager presents budget proposal to City Council

When Acting City Manager Mark Jinks presented Alexandria City Council with the $647.9 million proposed budget, the generally positive reception was tempered with the knowledge that many departments would not be receiving the funding they had requested.

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Of Lives Lost

Maximum sentence in murder case ignites brawl in courthouse.

Rashad Lonzell “Snap” Adkins found guilty of second degree murder of Shakkan Elliot-Tibbs in 2015 and a related weapons charge, so the jury gave him the maximum penalty of 43 years in prison with no chance of parole.

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Stop Sewage in Potomac River? Just Takes Money

City speeds Oronoco Bay sewage review, but still 10 years away.

Every year, Alexandria dumps 11 million gallons of raw sewage into the Potomac through Outfall 001.

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Families' Memories Emerge After Verdict in Alexandria Murders

Charles Severance found guilty on all counts.

The jury had been dismissed over the weekend, but it barely took an hour of discussion on Nov. 2 to come back with a verdict in the case of Charles Severance, accused of three murders in Alexandria: guilty on all 10 counts.

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Alexandria: Long-Term Budget Plan Lacks Numbers

Long Range Educational Facilities Plan faces scrutiny for budget omissions.

The Long Range Educational Facilities Plan includes extensive information on new enrollment projections for Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) and a list of proposed changes, additions, and new schools to fight current and projected overcrowding in the school system. What current drafts of the Long Range Educational Facilities Plan don’t include is the price tag.

Alexandria: On the Night Shift with City Police

Searching Alexandria’s nooks and crannies with the police.

Over his 10 years in Alexandria, Officer Mark Blackwell has come to know just about every dark corner of Alexandria. Before he turns his patrol car down an alleyway around midnight on May 28, he flicks off his headlights and the car creeps forward.