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Sixth Friends of Sadie Blood Drive in Burke Draws More Than 200 Donors

For the sixth year in a row, Burke resident Amy Dozier celebrated Valentine’s Day by helping manage a blood drive. Her daughter Madeline, barely a tween for the first Friends of Sadie drive in 2010, is now a 16-year-old sophomore at Robinson Secondary School. She’s old enough to drive and old enough to donate blood for the first time.

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Fairfax: Police Auditor and Civilian Review Panel to Become Reality in 2017

Body cameras, mental health part of public safety focus

This year will see two historic firsts for Fairfax County, its police department and citizens: the beginning work of an Office of Police Auditor and Civilian Review Panel. “It’s very important people picked deal with facts, demand facts and make decisions based on facts,” Sayles said, “and communicate those in a way that’s not divisive." said Randy Sayles of Oak Hill who was a member of the Use of Force subcommittee of the Ad Hoc Commission.

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Discussing ‘Saturday Night in the Suburbs’

Lake Braddock seniors discuss sex, drugs and social media.

What really happens in the suburbs on Saturday nights? At an open forum at Lake Braddock Secondary School on Wednesday, May 1, community parents had the opportunity to have their fears and concerns over this question confirmed, assuaged, and in some cases, postponed. Special guests for the night were five high school seniors who had volunteered to discuss a range of topics—including illegal alcohol and marijuana use, depression and social media use—and field cross-examination from concerned parents.

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Rescued Cats and Dogs Bring Loyalty to Families

Families grow with adopted pets.

The ASPCA estimates that nationwide, somewhere between five and seven million “companion animals” wind up in shelters each year. Of that number, 60 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats are euthanized ... each year. The prominent humane organization also figures only about 20 to 30 percent of cat and dog pets were acquired from rescues and shelters.

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Health Curriculum To More Closely Align with State

School Board approves recommendations from advisers, with amendments.

Though it was the second packed house in as many months, it may be early yet to call crowded Fairfax County School Board meetings a trend.

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Lake Braddock Theatre Revisits ‘Rashomon’

Director and fight choreographer also worked on school’s 1994 production.

Nineteen years ago, Lake Braddock drama teacher R.L. Mirabal and local choreographer Casey Kaleba worked together on “Rashomon,” the staged version of Akira Kurosawa’s 1950 dramatic film rooted in Ryunosuke Akutagawa’s Japanese folkloric stories and "In a Grove."

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Fairfax Station: New Christ Church to open in August

This is what the founders of Christ Church first envisioned in the mid-1980s. Though they first met in elementary schools, including Silverbrook Elementary school in Fairfax Station, the idea was always to form a regional church with a major road presence, said the current church executive director Debra Merrill.

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Burke: Celebrations honor the late Father Richard Martin

Church of the Nativity parishioner Jill Chastain and her family donated to Operation Starfish’s developmental work in Haiti for 15 years before she finally went on a work trip with Father Richard Martin.

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Burke, Fairfax Station: ‘Carousel’ Coming to Lake Braddock

Musical Theatre department revives a Rodgers & Hammerstein classic.

After having done family-friendly and modern shows in recent years, Lake Braddock Secondary School musical theatre director Mary DeMarco of Clifton decided “it was time to do a classic.”

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Springfield: Community Outlook 2017

Springfield Area Ongoing Developments

The Connection keeps a running list of land use projects being planned, under construction and nearing completion in the community. The list is updated quarterly.

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Springfield: Civic Association brings back holiday lights judging

For two and a half hours last week, north Springfield residents Tricia Barnes and Nancy Moore drove around their community judging people. Or, rather, judging their holiday decorations. “We had no idea this neighborhood was that big,” Moore said.

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Clifton: Northern Virginia Therapeutic Riding Program to hold tenth Polo Classic fundraiser

Once a week for the last seven years, César Dulanto of Lake Ridge, Va. has come to Clifton to trade his wheelchair for a saddle. Dulanto, 13, has been been wheelchair-bound since the age of two with cerebral palsy. He used to have difficulty just sitting up in a chair. And, he said, “I used to be so shy.”

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‘Seeking That Which Unites Us’

Rumi Forum presents three religions’ takes on women in faith and society.

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Combined Commissions for Women Host Human Trafficking Awareness Event in Fairfax

Thirty years ago, “Jen” was lured into a pornography ring and sexually abused by a man who initially pretended to be her friend.

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Brain Injury Services in Springfield gets survivors back into the community

In one moment, Kim Daily’s life changed forever. It was September 2011 and the Centreville resident was in a car accident where she hit her head. Afterwards she experienced some numbness and pain in her neck.

Burke-Based Author and Professor Launches First Book

When Burke resident and George Mason University English professor Art Taylor set out to enter The Washington Post short story cover contest, he never expected it would lead to his first book.

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Fairfax County: Supervisors Approve 4-Cent Tax Rate Increase

The gap between the Fairfax County School Board and total county budgets is a formality away from being the smallest since before Jan. 7 when FCPS Superintendent Dr. Karen Garza announced she wouldn’t be making any additional cuts in her $2.67 billion Fiscal Year 2017 budget.

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Search for Hannah Graham Expands

UVA second year Hannah Graham last seen on Sept. 13.

Hannah Graham, University of Virginia sophomore and alumna of West Potomac High School, has been missing since the early morning hours of Saturday, Sept. 13.

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Connect Four

Complete ballot of 11th District candidates faced off in Lake Ridge.

It wasn’t so much a down and dirty debate as a no-frills four-way question-and-answer session. Not that AARP and the League of Women Voters of the Fairfax Area (LWVFA), two of the sponsors of the “Meet the Candidates” series billed the Oct. 14 event as such. Tuesday’s meeting was the penultimate of seven events in the series.

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Fairfax County: Support for Police Auditor, Civilian Review Panel

Supervisors discuss independent oversight recommendations from Ad Hoc Commission.

Details of an independent auditor for Fairfax County police and a civilian panel to review cases of alleged FCPD abuse of authority or misconduct are still being hammered out. However there was general agreement among County Supervisors at the July 19 Public Safety Committee meeting that they are in favor of moving forward with the recommendations from the Ad Hoc Police Practices Review Commission to create both entities for accountability.