All results / Stories / Shirley Ruhe

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Behind the Counter with a Smile

Serving breakfast and lunch at Firehook Bakery.

"We know a lot of customers every day. We have a big smile ready and already know what they want. So we get their order going before they even get to the counter. Good morning Hosea," Suyapa Flores says as Hosea walks over to the order counter beside the window filled with small pecan pies, morning glory muffins and elephant ears. She explains Hosea always comes in around 11 a.m. and orders an apple scone or a whole-wheat bagel and an espresso.

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Culpepper Garden Beats the Odds on Coronavirus in Arlington

Low-income senior facility has no cases yet, as of this week.

Culpepper Garden low-income retirement property on Henderson Street in Arlington has so far escaped the coronavirus raging through other senior living facilities nationwide.

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Parents Rally to Fill Arlington Food Gaps

It began with the discussions at the regular Wednesday morning mom’s meeting at Kenmore Elementary and morphed into an effort to provide food to needy families in Arlington.

Puwen Gleans Vegetables and Friendships at Arlington Food Assistance Center

Retiring after 13 years building the Plot Against Hunger Program.


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Alexandrians Sit on Edge of Eviction

Unemployment crisis due to coronavirus leaves families in jeopardy.

The impact of the coronavirus with loss of income has led to a roller coaster for many Alexandria families who have fallen behind on their rent.

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Alexandria Symphony Orchestra Emerges From Hibernation

Cicadas share stage with orchestra debut

The blackened screen slowly fills with cicada sounds, and soon a red-eyed cicada crawls over the score of the “Arrival of the Queen of Sheba.”

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Not My Basement Again in Arlington

Residents of Powhatan Street awash in sewage for third time.


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Cabrera: Automobile Detective of Alexandria

The case of the blinking AVS light.

Blink. Blink. The hood of the 2007 Toyota Highlander is propped open. Cristoper Cabrera, certified technician at Jack Taylor's Alexandria Toyota Scion, is sitting in the driver's seat, a bulky black machine on his lap, scanning the codes for a blinking AVS light. "It will give me some ideas on where to look."

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In the Kitchen: Christophe Poteaux of Bastille, Old Town

Ingredients are important to the French.

A bucket of 5-inch long pod-shaped razor clams from Virginia Beach sits on the counter ready for the lunch special at Bastille.

Arlington: College Applications Submitted — The Long Wait Begins

Navigating the process to admission.

The waiting begins for four Arlington high school seniors who have submitted their college applications due in early January. They discuss the college application process, the details, frustrations and strategies.

Retirement Bittersweet for Alexandria Teachers

40 years of dedication.

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Church and Preservationists Clash over Graveyard

Preserving cemetery would affect expansion plans.

A controversy has erupted between the Central United Methodist Church (CUMC) in Ballston and Arlington County historic preservationists over a proposal to transform the church property into a new worship space.

Community Works Together To Alleviate Hunger

Food for Others assemble backpacks of non-perishable food.

Food for Others started its Power Pack Program -P3- in Fairfax County four years ago "after we noticed the need and heard from school counselors. We started with eight schools and are now up to 28," according to Jessica Cogen, director of development and outreach of Food for Others. Cogen also emphasized that "we are seeking to expand the number of schools served this year to help meet the need."

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Community Gardener Help with Food Insecurity in Arlington

Arlington food networks work together during coronavirus pandemic.

The South Four Mile Run Community Garden has changed its procedures due to the coronavirus pandemic, but tomatoes and peppers are still tangled with squash sporting yellow blossoms and remains of the sugar snap peas.

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Helping Immigrants in Arlington

Advice about DACA, green cards, work permits and more.

Many Immigrant Stories But Similar Fears

Details of immigrant stories differ but the roller coaster of stress and uncertainty is the same.