All results / Stories / Shirley Ruhe
In the Kitchen: Working Inside Alexandria Food Trucks
Specializing in what their customers want.
Mike Tokarz has pulled on his transparent plastic gloves and scoops out the second layer of the Pearl Special, a pint-size container layered with mac and cheese, baked beans and chopped pulled pork in the Rocklands Barbeque food truck kitchen.
Prisoner Resource Fair Offers a Head Start
Easing the transition from jail to the community.
This is the first prisoner Resource Fair held by the Alexandria Sheriff's Office for prisoners who are scheduled to be released within several months.
People at Work: Nothing Stops Music—Even the Coronavirus
MMM meets over Zoom to enjoy classical music.
Victoria Gau sits in her unfinished basement office with the window overlooking the garden with her silk plant from Amazon, new rug and the screen blocking off the stuff she doesn’t want everyone to see.
Alexandria People at Work: It’s All About the Pan
Mauviel copper saucepans and fry pans hang on pegs across the wall in back of the counter at La Cuisine on Cameron Street.
Matching Students with Tutors
Building Better Futures at TC.
The bell rings at 3:15 pm, reverberating off the hallways. School is out at T.C. Williams High School, and a few students start filtering into the library for tutoring assistance under the Building Better Futures (BBF) program supported since its inception in 2003 by the Campagna Center.
Culpepper Garden Beats the Odds on Coronavirus in Arlington
Low-income senior facility has no cases yet, as of this week.
Culpepper Garden low-income retirement property on Henderson Street in Arlington has so far escaped the coronavirus raging through other senior living facilities nationwide.
Parents Rally to Fill Arlington Food Gaps
It began with the discussions at the regular Wednesday morning mom’s meeting at Kenmore Elementary and morphed into an effort to provide food to needy families in Arlington.
Puwen Gleans Vegetables and Friendships at Arlington Food Assistance Center
Retiring after 13 years building the Plot Against Hunger Program.
People At Work: City’s Sign Fabricator
Meeting an ever-increasing need for signs.
The black wedge jerks back and forth, making small cuts in the shiny red vinyl. Two or three minutes later Abraham (“they call me Abe here”) Kifle, sign fabricator for the City of Alexandria, cuts off the 24-inch rectangle from the large roll with his sharp blade.
Clarendon Farmer’s Market Season Opens
Encouraging healthier eating.
The Clarendon Farmer’s Market at Courthouse slipped into its summer season amidst the raindrops on Saturday, April 2. Chester Beahm has driven 60 miles from Rivington, Va. to open his cheese stand at 8 a.m. Fields of Grace Farm offers four aged cheeses, four flavored cheese curds, two flavors of mozzarella, feta and more.
Alexandria People at Work: The Hunt for the Culex Mosquito
Daniel Sherwood poked the long-handled dipper into the manhole. "Let's see if we can get any here." He peered into the stagnant water in the dipper. "Look at this; we have all four instars in here. These rafts are filled with eggs, and each raft can have 50-100 mosquitoes. See that little guy wiggling around in there," he said. "He is getting ready to pupate. We are really concerned about the pupa. When they get to the fourth instar stage, they stop eating and start laying eggs."
Alexandrians Sit on Edge of Eviction
Unemployment crisis due to coronavirus leaves families in jeopardy.
The impact of the coronavirus with loss of income has led to a roller coaster for many Alexandria families who have fallen behind on their rent.
Alexandria Symphony Orchestra Emerges From Hibernation
Cicadas share stage with orchestra debut
The blackened screen slowly fills with cicada sounds, and soon a red-eyed cicada crawls over the score of the “Arrival of the Queen of Sheba.”
Patching City’s Potholes
A matter of teamwork.
Earplugs in, yellow vests zipped up and protective eyewear in place. A large white knob on the back of the protective helmet adjusts it to an individual’s head size. The 65 -pound jackhammer blasts into the 6 x6 foot square of asphalt at the High and Orchard intersection in Alexandria.