All results / Stories / Mercia Hobson

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Virginia Dems: Blue Wall in Both Houses

One Republican Supervisor-elect, zero Republican-endorsed school board member-elects


Supervisors Approve Good Faith Funding for Police & Firefighters

Fiscal Year One Impacts: $33 million for police and $24.7 million for firefighters and paramedics

“Many of the commitments that are in this, that we are expecting the county executive to include in his budget proposal to us, are things likely we would have done anyway.” — Chairman Jeff McKay (D)

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Year One, the 2023 Annual Report in South Fairfax

Steps taken to implement Fairfax County Strategic Plan.

South Annual Report

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Fairfax County Police Use of Force

Police shooting incidents by chief tenure.

Ongoing series about the Fairfax County Police Department and its policies and history on use of deadly force.

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Photo Journal 2023: New Countywide Strategic Plan Shapes North Fairfax

One of three parts covering the entire county.

Photo Journal 2023: New Countywide Strategic Plan Shapes Fairfax

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Hidden and Not-So-Hidden Gems

Faves of Fairfax County Supervisors

Hidden Gems

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Challenges Don’t Take a Holiday

What about those experiencing hunger and homelessness?


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The Upcoming 2024 Reston Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration

Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II will present keynote address.

MLK Events in Reston
