All results / Stories / Mary Kimm

Editorial: 'Our Community Deserves Better'

Strongly worded recommendations for police on transparency and public trust; FCPD has miles to go.

Outrage over the shooting death of John Geer of Springfield on Aug. 29, 2013, by a Fairfax County Police officer led the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors to form of the Ad Hoc Police Practice Review Commission, which began meeting in March 2015. The Communications Subcommittee was the first to give recommendations to the full commission, and the report pulled no punches.

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So Much Happening, Don’t Blink

Demonstrations at Dulles in reaction to travel ban; fast moving General Assembly lacks transparency; other key issues.

As this date approaches, the General Assembly has a serious transparency issue, as it continues to kill most proposed legislation with unrecorded voice votes in subcommittee, with no accountability or record of how members voted.

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WMCCA Salutes Brickyard Coalition’s Success

Future of Brickyard site still unclear.

After two years of civic activism, legal action on multiple fronts, political outreach, public education and fundraising through bake sales and barn dances, members of the Brickyard Coalition came to last week’s West Montgomery County Citizens Association to talk about their success.

What’s on the Ballot; How to Vote

Election Day is Nov. 4, 2014, but you can vote as early as Sept. 19.

Every year is Election Year in Virginia. This year, every Virginia voter will choose one member of the U.S. Senate and their member of the U.S. House of Representatives.

About the Connection

The paper you're reading, the Arlington Connection is one of 15 papers published by the independent, locally owned Local Media Connection LLC, serving the suburbs of Metropolitan Washington in Northern Virginia and Potomac, Md.

Opinion: About the Connection

Newcomers and Community Guide 2012-2013

The independent, locally owned Local Media Connection LLC publishes 15 papers serving the suburbs of Metropolitan Washington, D.C. in Northern Virginia and Potomac, Md. Our flagship paper, the Alexandria Gazette Packet, is one of the oldest continuously publishing papers in the country, beginning publication in 1784.

Editorial: Extreme, But Brief, Volunteering

More than 150 volunteers needed to survey chronic homeless for three days in February.

The real solution to homelessness is housing. This week in Northern Virginia, a point-in-time survey will record all of the “literally homeless” individuals and families in the region. Last year, on Jan. 25, 2012, there were 1,534 people who were literally homeless in the Fairfax-Falls Church Community; 697 of them were single individuals and 837 were people in families. A third of the total number of homeless were children. Nearly 60 percent of the adult members of the homeless families were employed.

Editorial: Holidays Are About Giving

The holidays are about giving, and giving thanks. The holidays are about children and family. The holidays are about sharing, about joy.

Editorial: A Big Election Year in Virginia

Register, research, vote. And vote again.

Every year is an election year in Virginia. Here are a few examples that demonstrate that while elections are ubiquitous in Virginia, they are neither simple nor unimportant. Wade in, a lot depends on figuring this out and voting. This is not intended to be a comprehensive list of candidates.

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Editorial: Connection Guide to Parks Wins ‘Best in Show’

Investigative reporting, in depth coverage, education writing, photography, art, design, sports, garner Virginia Press Association honors.

The Connection Newspapers won dozens of awards from the Virginia Press Association, with winners announced on Saturday, April 20, in Norfolk.

Editorial: About the Gazette Packet, a Connection Newspaper

The paper you're reading, the Alexandria Gazette Packet is one of 15 papers published by the independent, locally owned Local Media Connection LLC, serving the suburbs of Metropolitan Washington in Northern Virginia and Potomac, Md.

Editorial: Vote in Spite of Election Fatigue

Primary voting, absentee voting, Republican convention.

Absentee voting, including “in-person” absentee voting, is already underway for the June 11 primary, a statewide Democratic party primary for lieutenant governor and attorney general, plus one delegate race in Northern Virginia. Voters in the Democratic primary will choose between Ralph S. Northam and Aneesh Chopra for lieutenant governor; and between Mark R. Herring and Justin E. Fairfax for attorney general.

Editorial: Diversity Growing

Tune in to our series on immigration.

This week, the Connection kicks off a series about immigration, diversity and the growing population of foreign-born residents in Fairfax County. County reporter Victoria Ross opens with a story that captures vignettes and statistics of the changing population. It is a topic consistent with the original Thanksgiving story. More than 28 percent of Fairfax County's population is foreign born; that's 317,000 residents.

Editorial: About the Almanac, a Connection Newspaper

The paper you're reading, the Potomac Almanac is one of 15 papers published by the independent, locally owned Local Media Connection LLC, serving the suburbs of Metropolitan Washington in Northern Virginia and Potomac.

Editorial: About the Gazette, a Connection Newspaper

The paper you're reading, the Mount Vernon Gazette is one of 15 papers published by the independent, locally owned Local Media Connection LLC, serving the suburbs of Metropolitan Washington in Northern Virginia and Potomac, Md.

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Editorial: Remembering on Memorial Day

Time to honor, also time to ensure proper care of veterans.

In February, Brig. Gen. Terence J. Hildner, 49, of Fairfax, was the highest ranking military officer to die in the war on terror.

Alexandria Editorial: Holidays Are for Giving

Give thanks and share locally; tens of thousands of families around us are in need.

The holidays are about giving, and giving thanks.

Opinion: Editorial: Losing One of Our Own

Worst fear of any parent of a teenager: losing a child to violence.

Editorial: Shop Locally, Give Locally

Small business Saturday isn't enough; don't wait until then, and don't stop after that.

An effort to support locally owned businesses has resulted in the recognition of Small Business Saturday, the Saturday after Thanksgiving. This year that is Nov. 24. Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, is a day of national zeal for shopping. Presumably the next day shoppers can focus on local shopping.

Potomac Editorial: Holidays Are for Giving

Give thanks and share locally; tens of thousands of families around us are in need.

The holidays are about giving, and giving thanks.