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All results / Stories / Mary Kimm

Editorial: Challenging Budgets

Local Government should be able to access income taxes to give relief on real estate taxes.

Northern Virginia governments are facing shortfalls in the classic budget sense: projected revenues are less than last year’s expenditures plus increases in costs.

Editorial: Most Endangered?

Potomac River has made great strides, has miles to go to save the Bay.

Unless your home is served by well water, you are almost certainly among the five million people in the Washington Metropolitan area who get their drinking water from the Potomac River.

Opinion: Editorial: ‘My Hopes Have Already Been Dashed’

Current General Assembly session generates frustrations.


Editorial: Overdose Deaths Are Preventable

New “safe reporting” law encourages people to seek help in time.

The death rate due to heroin overdose more than doubled between 2010 through 2013, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), with an average increase of 37 percent per year in the United States.

Editorial: Does Change in Voter ID Laws Matter?

More than 22,000 active voters in Northern Virginia are without the required ID.

For the current election, new, more stringent voter identification laws are in effect.

Opinion: Editorial: An Open Letter to Readers and More

Buy an ad in our annual Newcomers and Community Guide, please.

Election Day Nov. 4

Every state and local office that represents Potomac is on the ballot Nov. 4.

If you want some choice in who will represent you on County Council, as County Executive, in the Maryland General Assembly, now is the time to engage. If you think it doesn’t matter much, these are the people who make land use decisions, decide what to do with county property, who set tax rates, who decide how much money will go to schools, who control services that affect traffic and many other things that affect quality of life more than anything that happens at a national level.

Be Part of the Children's Almanac

Call for student artwork and writing; deadline Dec. 3.

During the last week of each year, The Almanac devotes its entire issue to the creativity of local students and children. The results are always remarkable. It is a keepsake edition for many families.

Editorial: Later Start Times for High School

It’s past time to act; let this year be the year.

Tuesday morning, Sept. 3, the first day of school in Fairfax County, Dr. Karen Garza began her official day at 6:30 a.m. at Chantilly High School. While Garza was making herself available for interviews before the first class started at 7:20 a.m., many students were already on the school bus.

Connection Wins Public Service Award for Homeless Coverage

VPA Award for Journalistic Integrity and Community Service; plus 44 other awards.

The Connection Newspapers was awarded the Virginia Press Association Award for Journalistic Integrity and Community Service last Saturday, April 21, "for exhaustive coverage of homelessness in the newspaper's circulation area."

Be Part of Children's Gazette Packet

Call for student artwork and writing; deadline Dec. 3.

During the last week of each year, The Gazette Packet devotes its entire issue to the creativity of local students and children. The results are always remarkable. It is a keepsake edition for many families.

Editorial: Enjoy Tax Holiday, Donate School Supplies

Good timing to help those in need.

It is debatable whether recurring tax holidays for different seasonal needs are good policy. But since this weekend is Virginia’s tax holiday on school supplies and clothing, it makes sense to take advantage of the savings, and to spread the wealth around. The savings are more significant this year with the new sales tax increases in effect as of July 1.

Editorial: New Laws, Assault on Freedom?

oting restrictions, abortion restrictions, DUI restrictions, fewer gun restrictions, more go into effect July.

A plethora of new laws will go into effect in the Commonwealth on July 1, including restrictive new procedures for voting, and the loosening of multiple gun regulations.

Opinion: New Laws, Assault on Freedom?

Voting restrictions, abortion restrictions, DUI restrictions, fewer gun restrictions, more go into effect July 1.

A plethora of new laws will go into effect in the Commonwealth on July 1, including restrictive new procedures for voting, and the loosening of multiple gun regulations.

Opinion: Editorial: 2019

But this year is supposed to be an improvement.


Editorial: Brightening Outlook for End of Summer

Local pleasures to offset discouraging news.

The news here has been a bit discouraging, and that’s without considering the human tragedy and disaster of several different international situations.

Opinion: Be Part of the Children's Connection

Call for student artwork and writing; deadline Dec. 3.

During the last week of each year, The Connection devotes its entire issue to the creativity of local students and children. The results are always remarkable. It is a keepsake edition for many families.

Editorial: Celebrate Earth Day

Get outside with your family, participate in group activities, or just walk in your favorite park.

Earth Day is April 22, observed April 19-27 and beyond. Fairfax County offers many useful and educational ways to enjoy the day. Don’t miss the chance to get outside, observe the developing spring weather, flora and fauna. Here are some of the opportunities:

Editorial: Fostering Connections, Faltering

Why are federal dollars acceptable for roads, but not for helping foster children?

While there is plenty of competition for the title “most vulnerable,” foster children are certainly among them.

Fairfax County Editorial: Holidays Are for Giving

Give thanks and share locally; tens of thousands of families in Fairfax County are in need.

The holidays are about giving, and giving thanks.