All results / Stories / Kenneth R. “Ken” Plum, State Delegate (D-36)

Opinion: Commentary: Return to Responsible Leadership

The highlight of last week along with Earth Day was the announcement by President Joe Biden that the United States is returning to the Paris Climate Agreement.

Opinion: Commentary: Unemployment in a Time of Crisis

The number of unemployed Virginians increased from 145,294 in March 2020 to 482,111 in April 2020 causing unemployment insurance claims to increase ten-fold within a month!

Opinion: Commentary: Principle Above Partisanship

Virginia lost two of its finest citizens last week: former United States Senator John Warner who died at age 94 and former member of the Virginia House of Delegates Dick Hobson who died at 89 years old.

Opinion: Commentary: Gun Violence Epidemic

Three people were shot to death in Herndon last week—a mother and her two children, in an incident the police termed “horrific.”

Opinion: Commentary: Schools As a Political Football

When I graduated in January 1965 from the newly named Old Dominion College (now University) that had previously been the Norfolk Extension of William and Mary, I found the job market bleak for persons with history and political science majors.

Opinion: Commentary: Awash in Cash?

With the news reports of the cash coming to state and local governments from the federal government to provide relief from the effects of the COVID pandemic and the announcement that Virginia will have a sizable cash balance at the end of this fiscal year, one could conclude that government is awash in cash!

Commentary: Shades of the Old South

It is always important to vote, but it is more important than ever this year.

Commentary: Election Season Jitters

Opinion: Commentary: Cleaning Up the Code


Reston Column: No Time to Lose


“Our Nation is at risk,” thus began a report on schools given to President Ronald Reagan in 1983.

Column: Protecting Our Families


In the week that I was in Chicago for the annual Legislative Summit of the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), there was a record 100 people shot in the city in less than a week.

Column: Chesapeake Bay – Barometer of the Environment


When Captain John Smith and other Englishmen made their way to the new found land of Virginia in 1607 they found a richness of natural beauty and resources unmatched in anyplace else they had been.

Commentary: Infant Screening Saves Lives

Commentary: The Speaker of the House

Opinion: Commentary: Redistricting Underway

The Constitution requires that after the federal census every ten years there is to be a reapportionment of legislative districts based on population growth and shifts reflecting “one-man, one-vote.”

Opinion: Commentary: A Green New Deal

In accepting the Democratic nomination for president, Franklin D. Roosevelt promised a “new deal” for the “forgotten man.”

Opinion: Commentary: Insurrection

Last Thursday’s one-word headline in the Richmond Times Dispatch was in such a large font that it extended across the entire width of the newspaper: INSURRECTION.

Opinion: Commentary: Putting Just Into Justice

Under current Virginia law a person who steals something of value less than $1,000 can be punished by up to 12 months in jail with fines up to $2,500 along with any restitution that might be owed.

Opinion: Commentary: Work Is Not Yet Done


Opinion: Commentary: Institutional History Made in Richmond
