All results / Stories / Kenneth B. Lourie

Opinion: Column: Safeguarding My Future

Whether or not I'm certain about my attitude toward being a dual cancer threat (non small cell lung and papillary thyroid, cancer), only my subconscious knows for sure.

Opinion: Column: An Update About Some Down Time

Not that I want to give you a blow-by-blow concerning my treatment switch over to thyroid cancer from lung cancer, but the last two columns were written four weeks ago in the same week in expectation of a weekend away, so these observations will be new-ish in that they will be hot off the press, so to speak.

Opinion: Column: Better Late Than Never...

...to get a second opinion about one's first cancer; especially if there's now a second cancer to consider.

Opinion: Column: I'm Here to Report

As my brother, Richard, has often said: "If the oncologist is happy, then I'm happy."

Opinion: Column: If Michael Corleone Had Lung Cancer

"Just when I thought I was out ... they pull me back in."

Opinion: Column: Not That I Don’t Understand, But...

...So this is what the process is like trying to schedule a Covid-19 vaccination.

Opinion: Column: Back to Abnormal

Well, those last two weeks were kind of fun, (comparatively speaking) to the dozen or so previous weeks.

Opinion: Column: “Cancerversary”

I realize I'm cancer-centric, especially in these columns, but for some reason that centricity didn't acknowledge my February 27th cancer anniversary.

Opinion: Column: A Shot in the Arm

Literally and figuratively.

Opinion: Column: Time Will Tell

Ordinarily, I'd be writing this column this weekend – after this week's events.

Opinion: Column: Good News Travels Slowly

Sure enough, the email from my oncologist didn't arrive in my inbox before we left for the weekend away on Friday.

Opinion: Column: Wanna Take A Chance?

I'm sort of invoking Southwest Airlines here, but not exactly.

Opinion: Column: Cats in the Belfry

Have I mentioned in print lately that we, resident owners of "Belly Acres" in Burtonsville, are back to being a five-indoor-cat household?

Opinion: Column: A False Sense of Security

As previously referred to in a recent column, even though I am hardly cancer-free, nonetheless I am cancer interruptus for the next four weeks.

Opinion: Column: A True Sense of Insecurity

From the moment you hear the word cancer spoken in your direction – from your new best friend, an oncologist with whom you've had zero previous interaction, you are transported to a new reality.

Opinion: Column: Navigate This

(All these times are approximate – or they're not.

Opinion: Column: And the “Scancer” Is...

And the "Scancer" Is... ...stable, with a side of shrinkage, however modest.

Opinion: Column: A Bone To Pick

Not that I'm the most-stressed about it, but I am at least stressed about a bone scan I'm having this week.