All results / Stories / Ken Moore

University Looks to Fair Lakes

California University of Management and Sciences, with South Baylo University, bought a 54,720-square-foot building in Fair Lakes to operate classes.

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Businesses Navigate County Planning

German grocery looks to Chantilly.

The German Lidl grocery chain offered to proffer $250,000 for athletic fields and recreational facilities in Chantilly.

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Great Falls: Christmas Trees Cut Only for Taxes

Dranesville Planning Commissioner John Ulfelder described the enjoyment a 22.13-acre contiguous parcel of land at 910 Utterback Store Road gives Great Falls.

Reston: Fortune 100 Company’s Jewel Box in Woods

For its new headquarters, General Dynamics Corporation executives wanted a “jewel box in the woods,” said attorney Mark Looney.

Lorton: Giles Overlook Developing

75 percent of land to remain open space.

Lorton Valley III calls its development Giles Overlook: 52 singles family detached dwellings on 38.37 acres on Sanger Street in Mount Vernon.

Mount Vernon: Giles Overlook Developing

75 percent of land to remain open space.

Lorton Valley III calls its development Giles Overlook: 52 singles family detached dwellings on 38.37 acres on Sanger Street in Mount Vernon. Fairfax County Planning Commission voted Wednesday, Sept. 14, to recommend approval of plans that will permit development less than 200 feet from the required distance between residential buildings and I-95 and to allow for increased height of a noise barrier to be located 15 feet from I-95 right-of-way.

Centreville: Planning OKs More Pumps

MACS Retail LLC wants three more service pumps and a 3,520-square-foot quick service food store added to the Sully Shopping Center gas station at 5135 Westfields Boulevard in Centreville.

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One Step To ‘One Fairfax’

Agreeing on a policy to create opportunity for all.

Jeff McKay didn’t mince words when discussing racial, social and economic inequity in Fairfax County.

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Reston: New Stage for Tall Oaks

Plan approved for building 156 residential units plus 5,809 square feet of office space and 8,584 square feet of retail for center now 86 percent vacant.

The closing of Giant in 2007 started a slow decline of Tall Oaks Village Center, “once a vibrant and successful center that was supported by the community,” said Hunter Mill Supervisor Catherine Hudgins.

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Great Falls: Make Land Use More Accessible

Board pledges to develop recommendations for the involvement of citizens in the land-use process.

The Board of Supervisors gave final approval for 19 homes to be developed on Brooks Farm, along Springvale Road and Forest Lake Drive.

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Reston: Failing Shopping Center or Village Center?

Planning Commission approves redevelopment of Tall Oaks; application to be heard by Board of Supervisors Tuesday, July 26.

Developers want to redevelop Tall Oaks Village Center Shopping Center, “with a mix of residential and commercial and office uses.”

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Great Falls: Time to Get Involved

Great Falls Citizens Association encourages members to get involved in its stormwater management task force, especially as it pertains to land use cases.

Dranesville Planning Commissioner John Ulfelder announced last Thursday that a decision on The Gulick’s Group application to develop 11 acres of undeveloped, forested land would be deferred until September.

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Great Falls: Community Encouraged to Get Involved in Land Use Cases

Citizens association calls for members to give feedback to Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors on three land use cases.

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Reston: Cleaning Up the Tetra Mess?

This week’s update on Tetra property; interviews for public members of review board to be conducted July 18.

Herndon: Candidates Announced for Mayor, Town Council

Current Councilmember Jasbinder Singh announced at the end of June that he will run against Mayor Lisa Merkel for the Town’s Mayor position in the upcoming Nov. 8 election.

Herndon: More Rain Than Shine, But Loads of Fun

Jenna and Fritz Tanis came to the fireworks in Herndon prepared, with a tent comfortable for four no matter how much rain fell.

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Great Falls: Undisturbed Forest, Detailed Negotiation

Eric Knudsen, Great Falls Citizens Association, advocate for the protection of the environment.

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McLean and Great Falls: Thank You, 2016 Graduates

Langley High School seniors matriculate at DAR Constitution Hall on Monday, June 20.

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McLean: ’We Made It’

History teacher Dylan Wedan was ready with a “High Five” for all students as they rose en route to receiving their McLean High School diplomas.

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Reston: Development of a Solution?

Can the former American Press Institute building, architectural gem, still be saved?

The vacant American Press Institute Building at 11690 Sunrise Valley Drive drew international attention this week, days before a scheduled rezoning hearing at the Fairfax County Planning Commission this Thursday, June 16, 2016.