All results / Stories / Ken Moore

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Great Falls National Park Hosts Many a Celebration

An August Sunday in the park.

Brandon Greiner, 3, took the lead. The three-year-old biked the trails from one overlook to the next while his twin sister Ainsley, mom Nicole and father Nathan Greiner walked immediately behind.

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Girl Scouts Troop 3651 Raise Money for Honor Flights

Film and presentations explain the importance of getting veterans to Washington D.C. to see their monuments.

Girl Scout Troop 3651 organized a screening of the moving Honor Flight, and invited two World War II veterans, Howard Jester and George Hanna, to speak to the audience after the film.

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Yogis to Fill Reston with Gratitude

Thousands to join Reston’s Beloved Yoga at 8th annual yoga festival this Sunday at Reston Town Center.

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Great Falls Student Greets Japanese Prime Minister at Andrews Air Force Base

Great Falls Elementary School second grader Glenn Koji vanValkenburgh greeted Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his wife, Mrs. Akie Abe, as they arrived at Andrews Air Force Base on April 27 for their U.S. visit. "It was a really exciting week," said Glenn.

Culling the Safety Zone

Council permits archery hunting within 100 yards of homes, down from 150 yards, in an effort to reduce the number of deer.

George Leventhal testified last year about his Beltway drive home from work on Nov. 5, 2007.

Saving by Going Greener

Company provides data on costs to run common electrical appliances for consumers, now available at Strosniders.

When Susan Marinelli wanted a new coffee maker, she also wanted to shop at a local store. When Marinelli walked in to Strosniders, she found tags on display, educating consumers about different appliances and the different amounts of energy each one uses.

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Last Piece of the Downtown Puzzle for Herndon?

Council schedules public hearing on potential purchase of Ashwell property for Tuesday, May 26 at 7 p.m.

The Herndon Town Council will consider purchasing approximately 1.67 acres of land in Herndon’s historic downtown.

Mount Vernon: Strip Mall Transformation

Approval recommended for 375 residential units and 7,500 square feet of retail on 5 acres in place of aging strip.

Novus Property Holdings has been seeking to redevelop a 5.2 acre property in the Penn Daw Community at the intersection of Richmond HIghway and Fairview Drive for the past four years, said Sara Mariska, who represents the developer.

Potomac’s Got Talent

Potomac Community Center gears up for its flagship events to start new school year.

The Potomac Community Center will kickoff the new with Potomac’s Got Talent, a new talent show to be held in conjunction with the Potomac Family Fun Fest on Friday, Sept. 28.

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Great Falls Community Celebrates the Renovations of The Grange

The 13 steps of The Grange blocked the historic community center from one of its original purposes “as a symbol of commitment to community involvement and progress.”

Could Empty Office Buildings Be Transformed?

The equivalent of 308 football fields of office space are vacant in Fairfax County.

Fairfax County Budget Approved

Supervisors approve budget and tax hike.

When the Board of Supervisors approved the budget on Tuesday, April 26, they increased taxes by about $300 for the average homeowner and increased funding for schools by 5 percent.

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Don’t Take Safe Drinking Water for Granted

In the wake of the chemical spill in West Virginia, weighing the threats to local drinking water.

Most of the 5 million residents in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area have no idea that their drinking water comes from the Potomac River, said Hedrick Belin, president of the Potomac Conservancy. “Until last week, the same could have probably been said for 300,000 residents in Charleston, W. Va.,” Belin added.

Nation’s River Is ‘Struggling’

Volunteers encouraged to join clean-up effort.

The Potomac River is struggling, according to the Potomac Conservancy’s State of Nation’s River. The Conservancy cites the challenge of protecting the river in a variety of settings in its annual report, which lowered the letter grade given to the health of the river late last year to a "D." Since 2007, the grade has been "D+."

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$75 Billion Global Cybersecurity Market

Northern Virginia is “hotbed for cyber security entrepreneurship.”

With all its sophistication and intricacies, cybersecurity starts with a simple premise.

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Who Is Getting Vaccinated in Montgomery County?

Communities hardest hit by the pandemic have been last to get the vaccine

Black people make up 19 percent of the County’s population, but account for only eight percent of people pre-registering for vaccinations to combat COVID; Latino people also make up one-fifth of the county’s population, but make up just nine percent of people pre-registering.

County Budget Approved

Bulova calls the budget a “booster shot.”

When the Board of Supervisors approved the budget on Tuesday, April 26, they increased taxes by about $300 for the average homeowner and increased funding for schools by 5 percent.

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Great Falls: Historical Allure, or Relic of the Past?

30 days for commitment to take control of the Grange for community use.

The legacy of past farmers of Great Falls awaits. And have awaited.

22 Houses on 52 Acres Proposed for Brooks Farm in Great Falls

Public hearing on Brooks Farm proposal scheduled for June 10 at Planning and Zoning.

Basheer/Edgemoore, a builder, wants to build 22 houses on the 51.97 acre Brooks Farm property. The Department of Planning and Zoning received the fourth and latest iteration of the proposal last week.

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Back to the Future

Community celebrates the renovations of The Grange.

The 13 steps of The Grange blocked the historic community center from one of its original purposes “as a symbol of commitment to community involvement and progress.” On Saturday, March 7, about 75 members of the community gathered to celebrate the renovations to the 1929 building and grounds that now make it accessible to all of Great Falls.