All results / Stories / Glenda C. Booth

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Keeping It All Connected

Plein Is Recharging the American Horticultural Society

American Horticultural Society

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Pohick Church, Still Thriving after 250 Years

“As we celebrate the 250th Anniversary of our church home, let us admire the witness of our spiritual ancestors – not because they are pillars of morality and perfection -- but precisely because they are not. Because they answered the call anyway and entered into a lifetime process of transformation that formed them into true leaders.” — The Very Rev. Dr. Lynn Ronaldi, Rector

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Historic Gum Springs Celebrates 190 Years

Gum Springs Celebration

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Minimalist Holiday Décor, a la Frank Lloyd Wright

The Pope-Leighey House

Holiday decor

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Gunston Hall to Open Restored Garden Oct. 7


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Dyke Marsh Volunteers Tackle Invasive Plants and Plant Natives

Invasive plants

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New Police Commander Urges Community Dialogue

“This is your police department.”

“It takes a lot to work in the Mount Vernon district,” Fairfax County police Captain Marc Mitchell told his audience at an Aug. 30 “Meet the Commander” gathering at the Sherwood Regional Library.

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Aladdin the Camel Brings Christmas Cheer


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A Symbol of the Drive to Get an Education

Laurel Grove School Museum

Laurel Grove

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Keeping It All Connected

Plein Is Recharging the AHS

Plein Is Recharging the AHS

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Saving the Parkway’s Trees

National Park Service forests are at risk of failure in the national capital region and beyond.

English ivy is one of the most invasive and destructive plants in the region.

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Blessed with Diversity

Annual Fairfax County history conference inspires with a growing “tapestry that celebrates all nations.”

History Awards

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Butterflies Bring Cheer at Summer’s End


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Last of the Mount Vernon Nights

Last of the Mount Vernon Nights

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Old-fashioned Banking, Thriving for 172 Years

Bank surviving

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Fireflies, the Twinkling Critters of the Night


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Sensational Spoonbills

Did you miss seeing the spoonbills that visited in 2021?

