All results / Stories / Delegate Kenneth R. “Ken” Plum

Opinion: Commentary: Evolution of American Democracy


Column: Busy Time!

President Franklin Roosevelt once tried to change the date of Thanksgiving to always be later in November, but he was stopped by merchants who wanted maximum time to sell their goods before Christmas. In those days holiday shopping started the day after Thanksgiving rather than the increasing practice of starting on Thanksgiving evening. However the schedule is arranged, the last month of the year turns out to be very busy for most everyone, but especially for members of the legislature.

A Breach of Trust

In a Tom DeLay, Texas-style move, Republicans in the Virginia State Senate re-drew the legislative district lines without public notice or involvement. This action in the 20-20 divided body came on the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday when Democratic Senator Henry Marsh who is one of Virginia's most prominent civil rights leaders was away attending President Obama's inauguration. The new map, if passed by the Republican-controlled House of Delegates and signed by the governor, would give Republicans an advantage in taking back control of the Senate which they hold now only by virtue of the lieutenant governor who is the presiding officer and tie breaker being a Republican. "Count this as a new low for hyper-partisanship, dirty tricks, and the unaccountable arrogance of power," is the way one newspaper editorial described the action.

Commentary: Happy Thanksgiving 2018


Column: General Assembly Session Stalled

The beautiful red and pink camellias on Capitol Square in Richmond have been blooming for a couple of weeks.

Reston: Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus

The editorial in the September 21, 1897 New York Sun, responding to a letter from eight-year-old Virginia O'Hanlon who had inquired about whether there was a Santa Claus, has become the most reprinted newspaper editorial, according to the Newseum.

Commentary: Celebrating with Understanding

Column: A Budget Divide

Work on a budget for the FY 2013-2014 biennium occupied most of the General Assembly’s time this past week. Two budgets – one to complete FY 2012 and another for the FY 2013-2014 biennium – were proposed by the Governor and were introduced on his behalf in both houses of the legislature.

Column: Overreach

If a single word or phrase can describe a General Assembly session, the 2012 meeting of the state legislature would be known for “overreach.”

Commentary: A More Realistic Minimum

Northern Virginia jurisdictions are among the wealthiest in the country.

Commentary: Building A New Economy

Opinion: Commentary: An Inauguration to Remember

Like most people, I will not be attending any inaugural events this year because of the pandemic restrictions and threats of civil disturbances.

Column: Garden Magic

The General Assembly has been in recess since early March when a special session was called by the Governor to pass a biennial budget that had failed to pass in the regular session.

Life and Struggles after Roe

Delegate Kenneth R. “Ken” Plum

The history of our country has been one of ever-evolving rights and freedom to fulfill the promises contained in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Column: All’s Well That Ends Well

Not only did the 2013 session of the General Assembly end on time last Saturday, but it also ended on a high note. Having sat through a couple of decades of failed efforts to pass meaningful legislation addressing our transportation needs, I was not optimistic that we would be successful this year.

Whose Choice?

Whose Choice?

Whose Choice?


Virginia Education on Right Track?

Virginia Education on Right Track?

Column: Beyond Thanksgiving Day

Happy Thanksgiving Day to you and your family! In previous columns on this date I have presented the historic evidence clearly establishing that the first Thanksgiving celebration took place at Berkeley Plantation in Virginia on Dec. 4, 1619—several years before the Pilgrims ever left England to come to Plymouth Colony.

Column: Uranium Mining in Virginia

Virginia has one of the largest deposits of uranium of anyplace in the country in Pittsylvania County in the southern part of the state. The location of Coles Hill Farm where the deposit is centered is in the Roanoke River watershed. There are smaller deposits of uranium in other parts of the state including the Piedmont region.
