All results / Stories / Del. Kenneth R. “Ken” Plum

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Rewriting Virginia History (Again)

Rewriting Virginia History (Again)

Solar Powering Virginia

Solar power

Column: Fox in the Chicken Coop

K Plum Column

Thoughts and Prayers Are Not Enough

Thoughts and Prayers Are Not Enough

Opinion: Time Sure Flies

Time Sure Flies

Listen to the Young People

Listen to the Young People

Celebration of Our True Beginnings

Celebration of Our True Beginnings

Rights Bring Obligations

Virginia Code Section 22.1-201 states ”To increase knowledge of citizens' rights and responsibilities thereunder and to enhance the understanding of Virginia's unique role in the history of the United States, the Declaration of American Independence, the general principles of the Constitution of the United States, including the Bill of Rights, the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom, the charters of the Virginia Company of April 10, 1606, May 23, 1609, and March 12, 1612, and the Virginia Declaration of Rights shall be thoroughly explained and taught by teachers to pupils in public elementary, middle, and high schools.”

Reinventing American Democracy

The 250th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the United States is fast approaching. We can celebrate being the oldest constitutional democracy in the world. Our form of government, however, is under undue stresses that cause many to worry as to whether we can show the same resiliency of the past going forward in the next century.

Column: Not-So-Affordable Housing In Virginia

Affordable Housing

Column: Peaceful Transfer of Power

State government

Column: Protecting Student Learning

Student learning

Column: The Devilish Details of Tax Cutting


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Another Virginia Woman Makes History

Women in Government

Believe It or Not

Believe It or Not

Celebrate Earth Day Every Day

Earth Day

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Not Yet Enough

Gun violence is now the leading killer of children.

Gun violence is now the leading killer of children.

Legislative Stand-Off

Legislative Stand-Off

Politicizing Education

As a former teacher/education program administrator for 30 years I am aware of the many wonderful, effective, and dedicated teachers there are, including two of my children and one of my grandchildren and his wife. The current effort to politicize education for personal gain saddens me.