All results / Stories / Bonnie Hobbes

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Local Man is Honored in Fairfax for WWII Submarine Service

The Virginian, a senior-living community in Fairfax, recently hosted the U.S. Submarine Veterans Assn., Northern Virginia Base, as it honored Virginian resident Alvin “Al” Anceravage, 99, on the 75th anniversary of his submarine service in WWII.

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Fair Lakes Townhouse Fire Displaces Four

Fire officials say an early morning fire in Fair Lakes displaced four people and caused an estimated $463,375 in damages to the home involved.

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Clifton Man Also To Be Honored

Two battles with lymphoma.

David Timko became the executive director of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Washington, D.C., chapter in 1987 and, the following year, helped create the fund-raising Leukemia Ball. Little did he know then that he’d someday be one of the event’s patient heroes.

‘None of Us Really Know How this Will Play Out’ in Fairfax City

City continues to grapple with FY 21 budget.


Star-Spangled Tea

Burke Historic Society hosts patriotic tea for special guests.

Members of the Burke Historical Society hosted a patriotic tea for residents of the Heatherwood Retirement Community in Burke on Thursday, June 23.

Clifton Caboose 5K Successful; Raises $10,000

The Town of Clifton’s 15th annual Clifton Caboose Twilight Run was a huge success, raising an estimated $10,000. It was held Saturday, May 12, and 581 people participated – 474 in the 5K and 107 in the 1-mile fun run/walk.

Fairfax Assault Victim Dies of Injuries

City of Fairfax police say a 63-year-old city resident, William Hays O’Brien, has succumbed to injuries sustained April 16 when he was assaulted in a shopping-center parking lot.

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Honoring County’s Devotion to Animals

Shelter’s renovation and expansion are celebrated.

Residents, politicians and even four-footed alumni flocked to the Fairfax County Animal Shelter on Saturday, May 17, to celebrate completion of its renovation and expansion. It was a long time in coming, so it made the event even sweeter.

Mayor Scott Silverthorne Running for Re-election.

‘My Experience Qualifies Me as the Best Candidate’

Having served 18 consecutive years on the Fairfax City Council and now completing his fourth year as mayor, Scott Silverthorne definitely has a handle on the city and its issues.

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Fairfax: Paul VI Presents ‘Don’t Go Near the Water’

In an American embassy somewhere behind the Iron Curtain. The ambassador’s son, a bumbler, is running the embassy when three American tourists – parents and their 23-year-old daughter – run inside. They’re being chased by secret police who accuse them of spying and picture-taking. So they seek asylum and make plans to escape. Featuring a cast and crew of 50, Paul VI High presents the rollicking comedy, “Don’t Go Near the Water.” It takes the stage Thursday-Sunday, Nov. 17-20, in the school theater.

‘Putting the Ordinance in Black and White’ in Fairfax City

City Council hears affordable dwelling unit proposal.


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Fairfax City Manager Unveils Proposed FY 21 Budget

Includes real-estate tax increase and money for capital projects.


Celebrating Legacy of Martin Luther King

For 20 years now, the Chantilly Pyramid Minority Student Achievement (CPMSAC) Committee has celebrated the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

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Having Adventures, Finding Family

Fairfax students are in ‘James and the Giant Peach Jr.’

When 10-year-old James loses his parents, he has to live with his two mean aunts. But things get better when he discovers a magic potion that grows a gigantic peach. Alliance Theatre’s upcoming musical, “James and the Giant Peach Jr.,” is about courage and self-discovery.

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Fairfax City Shows its Mason Spirit

Activities slated for GMU’s Homecoming Week.


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Travel the World in Fairfax City

Upcoming Restaurant Week features global offerings.

While it may look and feel a bit different than usual, Fairfax City’s 3rd annual Restaurant Week still promises to provide fun experiences and delicious food.

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‘It Started As a Little Gesture and Grew Bigger’

Craftsman Auto Care helps provide meals to hospital staff.


Talking Transportation, County Revenue

Frey addresses Sully District Council of Citizens Associations.

Transportation and Fairfax County revenue ideas were the top topics when Supervisor Michael R. Frey (R-Sully) spoke recently before the Sully District Council of Citizens Associations. “It’s an interesting time to be in the county,” he said during the group’s June 25 meeting. “It’s undergoing a tremendous transformation.”

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Westfield Preps for Parade in Pasadena

Tournament of Roses president speaks to students.

Sure, the students in Westfield High’s marching band are enjoying their summer. They’re also busy learning new music and practicing their drills. Besides marching on the Bulldog football field come fall, they’ll be participating Jan. 1 in the Tournament of Roses Parade.