Westgrove Dog Park Eagle Scout Project

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Westgrove Dog Park Eagle Scout Project

The Westgrove Dog Park is Fairfax County's only all-artificial turf dog park. The park is run by a partnership of volunteers and the Park Authority. They receive an estimated 25,000 canine visits, annually.

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Nearly three dozen volunteers, including members of Boy Scout Troop 1509, showed up to help …

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Zachary's project was a team effort that included members of the Fairfax County Park Authority. …

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Zachary Broome provides instructions and supervises the planting of one of the trees during his …

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Westgrove Pack Chair, Kathy Slekel (with Pippa) expressed much appreciation for Zachary's project. She also …

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The heavy trees required a team effort in order to lift and properly plant them.

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Flynn, a regular visitor to the Westgrove Dog Park, watches the planting activity from underneath …

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Scouts, Matthew (right) and Trevor worked hard planting trees. The Scouts were scheduled to be …

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Mission Accomplished: Zachary Broome stands in front of a carefully planted and staked River Birch.

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