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Dan Hawkins, co-chair of the alliance and 25-year Alexandria resident, with RIchard Merritt, addresses the group.

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Alexandria: Free Health Fair for Uninsured Returns Nov. 5

Number of partners joining the Health Fair effort soars.

This year, with many more sponsors, Arlene Hewitt, Richard Merritt, Dan Hawkins, Bill Euille, Mary Anne Weber, Dr. John Klousia, Canek Aguirre, Eduardo Mantilla-Torres, and Jamie Conrad have cobbled together another free health fair for the uninsured. Some of them are part of the Alliance for Alexandria’s Uninsured, a lead partner and staffer of the Planning Committee for the fair. They see a difference between last year’s fair and this year’s: last year, there were five or six sponsors: this year there are 54 ... and counting.


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