March 7, 2015
Team representing Nysmith School for the Gifted and Talented, back row from left: Anusha Allamsetty, Venkata Allamsetty (Coach), Shaan Bhandarkar; front row from left: Vaibhav Sharma, Abhishek Allamsetty, Ajit Kadaveru.
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A Face-off in a Fast-paced Competition
Students from local middle schools compete in the National Science Bowl.
Students from five local middle schools traveled to Newport News to compete in the regional competition for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science’s National Science Bowl (NSB) at the Jefferson Nuclear Lab. The competition took place Saturday, March 7. Students from Longfellow Middle School will compete in the National Finals, held in Washington, D.C. from April 30 to May 4, for their first place win in Saturday’s competition.
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