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Board of Supervisor Chairman Sharon Bulova watches as School Board Chairman Tamara Kaufax makes her plea for full funding of the schools at the April 7 budget hearing.

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14 Hours, Three Days, 200 Speakers

Schools, libraries, economic development authority and others seek more funding while tax-hawks call for reductions.

The Board of Supervisors listened to more than 14 and a half hours of testimony from approximately 200 speakers Tuesday through Thursday, April 7-9.

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Mount Vernon: Hundreds Attend Budget Hearing

Schools, libraries, economic development authority and others seek more funding while tax-hawks call for reductions.

More than 200 people packed the Fairfax County Government auditorium Tuesday, April 7, and 60 speakers were scheduled to testify before the Board of Supervisors on the advertised budget. The hearing began with a presentation by School Board Chairman Tamara Derenak Kaufax.


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