Connection Sports

Connection Sports


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Fairfax Little League Wraps ‘Amazing Season’

When the Fairfax Little League had to cancel its 2020 spring season due to COVID-19, all those associated with the league were naturally disappointed.

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‘Matter Closed’ on Reston Golf Course Designation

Owner ‘respectfully disagrees’ with supervisor’s findings

Hunter Mill Supervisor Walter Alcorn (D) issued a surprise statement early Friday morning, Oct. 23, ending what he termed "a good deal of uncertainty and even anxiety" among some constituents in the Reston portion of his district.

‘Families Are in Jeopardy of Losing their Homes’

Hugs, handshakes, traveling, and gathering with friends at large events are just some of the things the current pandemic has stopped.

Homestretch Virtual 5K is Keeping Arlington in Shape

Running a 5K on your own or just donating improves morale

There’s power in numbers.

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Exercising Inside as Weather Cools and Light Wanes

Fall brings with it the promise of change, falling leaves, shorter days, and cooler weather.

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Tour de Mount Vernon Honors Dave Evans

On Saturday, Oct. 3, approximately 230 riders joined Mount Vernon District Supervisor Dan Storck for the 5th Annual Tour de Mount Vernon.

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Last Weekend was a Time to Trot with the Tigers in Potomac

Change is the way of life for 2020, and the Holy Child annual Tiger Trot changed with the times.

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Getting Out, Giving Back in Alexandria

Opportunities abound to help community

As Alexandrians continue facing challenging times during the pandemic, individuals have rallied in their spirit of giving, whether it be in time, talents or resources with no shortage of opportunities to get involved.

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Arlington Life: Newcomers and Community Guide

Arlington Life: Newcomers and Community Guide

Erin Peterson Fund Golf Tourney is Sept. 24 in Clifton

Westfield High grad Erin Peterson was an18-year-old honor student, with her whole life ahead of her, when she and 31 others died in the April 16, 2007 massacre at Virginia Tech.

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Horses and the People they Help: A Six-Part Series

If you aren't familiar with how horses are helping people, read on.

Horses and the People they Help: A Six-Part Series

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‘I Don't Care If the Horse Poops on Me!’

One mom's commitment to helping her son to get back to therapeutic riding.

"When your child is young and has a diagnosis, you try anything," says Rachel Kirkland.

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Leading by Example

Equine Assisted Learning teaches critical life skills.

"The ability to be aware to have compassion; to be confident, but not arrogant; and to take joy in helping to create someone else's success."

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Talking to Ty

The 21-year-old Paint Gelding is a great listener.

“Everyone gets her. Everyone accepts her. Everyone likes her. And that means a lot, as a parent.”

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Turning Possible into Possibilities

When therapy was needed during quarantine, Sprouts provided a way.

“Riding takes my physical therapy to the next level.”