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Promises of a Blue Virginia: ‘A House for all Virginians’

Democrats continue to focus on education, transportation and economic equality issues.


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Potomac Yard: Before and After

Transforming a suburban strip mall into an Innovation District.

The strip mall at Potomac Yard is a placeholder, a temporary solution to a thorny question about the relationship between density and traffic.

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First National Suffragist Memorial Breaks Ground

Site in Lorton to mark women’s struggle for right to vote.


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A Tale of Two Neighborhoods

Del Ray has more voters than Old Town, and it carries more clout.

Del Ray can boast that it’s the center of power in Alexandria, the home of both Mayor Justin Wilson and Sheriff Dana Lawhorne. Old Town, on the other hand, doesn’t have as many voters or as much clout.

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Republican Requiem

Democrats take General Assembly, sweep Fairfax School Board; Republicans hold Springfield.

It wasn’t all that long ago that Northern Virginia had its own breed of Republicanism. People like U.S. Rep. Tom Davis (R-11), U.S. Sen. John Warner and Del. Dave Albo (R-42). Now, after a series of stunning defeats since the election of Donald Trump to the White House, Northern Virginia Republicans are a dying breed, with moderates bowing out or being voted out.

Week in Vienna


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Supervisors Vote to Save Lake Accotink

Fairfax County approves financing plan for Lake Accotink dredging.


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Generation Gap

Millennials and Gen X now outnumber older voters. So why do Baby Boomers dominate?

Millennials and Gen Xers now outnumber Baby Boomers and older voters in Virginia, according to data from the Census Bureau. But that doesn’t mean they have as much influence. Census numbers also show another trend: People over the age of 45 vote at much higher rates.

2018 Report: Nearly 7,000 Virginia Absentee Ballots Mailed Too Late

Voters have already returned more absentee ballots in 2019 than the last time all 140 seats in the General Assembly were on the ballot.


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‘Fridays with Friedson’ Offer Access in Potomac

Sidewalks, bike paths, police chief, Moms Demand Action and more packed into intimate monthly meeting.

