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West Springfield Teens’ Protest in Pictures

With no formal group sponsorship, and using only social media, a group of friends connected through West Springfield High School organized a well-attended Springfield protest in support of Black Lives Matter for several hours on June 10.

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Springfield Teens March Against Racism

Hundreds join Black Lives Matter movement.

At 4:30 p.m. on June 10, hundreds of Springfield locals gathered to protest systemic racism and emphasize that Black lives matter.

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Opinion: Commentary: Fairfax County NAACP Demands for Police Reform and Accountability

At a Town Hall meeting on Tuesday, June 16, the Fairfax County NAACP unveiled the following vision and demands for police reform:

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Stand Up for Racial Justice

More than 400 members of several churches and synagogues in Potomac, Bethesda and Chevy Chase gathered for concurrent peaceful, interfaith vigils on June 7 to stand in support of racial justice.

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Racism: As American as Apple Pie?

One bill passed, one introduced, to start untangling systematic and institutional racism here in Montgomery County.

“We are in a historic moment here in our country and in the world,” said Councilmember Will Jawando.

Alexandria: This Week in Covid

Library fees, George Floyd, pandemic within pandemic, combating institutional racism, playgrounds opening, auto loan relief and more.

The Virginia Department of Health updated its demographics dashboard to include additional racial reporting categories for case, hospitalization and death data.

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Alexandria’s Income Gaps

Whites make three times as much as Hispanic workers, twice as much as black workers.

White Alexandria is pulling in significantly more money than Hispanic workers and African Americans, according to numbers from the United States Census Bureau. A look at average income shows non-Hispanic whites make more than $85,000 a year. That’s more than three times the average income for Hispanic workers, $24,000, and more than twice the average income for black workers, $37,000.

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Confederacy is Part of History, Not the Future

School board continues renaming process for County high school.

"School names will reflect an inclusive and respectful learning environment as outlined in our One Fairfax policy," said Lee District School Board Representative Tamara Derenak Kaufax, Fairfax County Public Schools.

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A Book A Day Keeps the Coronavirus Away in Arlington

Moms Demand Action volunteers delivered hundreds of new and gently used books and games June 9 to children participating in the weekly Barcroft Elementary School food distribution program.

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Change Through Communal Voice

Local high school students join Black Lives Matter movement.

Leaders of Change Coalition held a Black Lives Matter March in front of the Herndon Municipal Center Sunday, June 7.

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‘Not Again’: Tavares Floyd Mourns Loss of His Cousin George

“Not again” is the first thing that went through the mind of Tavares Floyd, a local Civil Rights attorney, when an aunt called him with the news of the death of his cousin George while in police custody in Minneapolis on May 25.

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Alexandria Protests Continue

Hundreds gather at Charles Houston for George Floyd rally.

One by one the names were read aloud. For eight minutes and 46 seconds – the time that George Floyd suffered with the knee of a police officer on his neck during an arrest in Minneapolis – the names of African Americans who died at the hands of law enforcement rang through the crowd gathered June 4 at the Charles Houston Recreation Center.

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Freedom of Speech or Zoning Violation in Alexandria?

Seminary Road debate resurfaces after sign violation.

The Alexandria Board of Zoning Appeals has rejected a request from an Alexandria homeowner to display a 4-foot-by-8-foot sign declaring his opposition to the controversial Seminary Road diet.

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Alexandria’s Week in Coronavirus

Quaranteens, nursing home holes, virtual boxing, rental relief and more.

BACKLOGGED TESTS: Starting on June 9, the Virginia Department of Health’s COVID-19 data dashboard will reflect 13,000 additional tests that were backlogged.

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Fairfax City: ‘No Lives Matter Until Black Lives Matter’

People speak their minds during a powerful event.

Not even the 90-degree heat could match the fire and passion of the nearly 3,000 people who gathered Saturday afternoon in Fairfax City’s Old Town Square to show that Black Lives Matter.
