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December is Virginia’s Puppy Mill Awareness Month

In February, the 2020 General Assembly unanimously designated December as Virginia’s Puppy Mill Awareness Month.

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Head of the Class in Alexandria

School board votes to change names of T.C., Maury schools

Following months of heated debate, the Alexandria School Board voted Nov. 23 to rename two city schools, including T.C. Williams High School of “Remember the Titans” film fame.

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Virtual or In-Person in Arlington

What should “back to school” look like during a pandemic?

Sept. 8, early October, November and now 2021.

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Expunging the Record

Democrats are divided on how to clear charges and convictions.

House Democrats and Senate Democrats are deadlocked over how people accused of minor crimes should be able to clear their records, a clash that has stalled action for now on one of the most important criminal-justice reform efforts on the agenda for Democrats now that they have seized control of the General Assembly.

‘We’ve Got to Unite This Country’

John Warner recalls WWII service, political career

Former U.S. Senator John Warner, a veteran of World War II and the Korean War, was the featured speaker at the Nov. 10 meeting of the Alexandria Rotary Club.

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‘System Is Broken When Bad Plans Get So Far’ in Chantilly

Supervisors OK home construction under airport flight path

Determined to place homes underneath Dulles International Airport’s flight paths, Fairfax County’s Board of Supervisors recently approved developer K. Hovnanian’s plan to build 442 residential units there.

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Being There

How much virtual participation it too much?

Advocates for open government worry about too much virtual participation. Virginia Press Association executive director Betsy Edwards says the law is designed to make sure the public and the press have an opportunity to ask members of the Planning Commission why they voted against a zoning change and or why the mayor voted for a bike lane. She worried that unlimited virtual participation would limit availability to the public and the press to ask questions and get answers.

Montgomery County Public Schools: Possible In-Person Schooling in Early 2021

The Montgomery County Board of Education met Friday, Nov. 6 to discuss, among other issues, to consider returning students to in-person classes in stages early next year.

Fairfax County Police Chief Resigns

Praised by many, Roessler also faced criticism and calls for resignation

Police Chief Edwin C. Roessler Jr. announced his resignation last week, effective February 2021.

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Springfield Rallies Seek to Get Out the Vote

The last weekend before Election Day saw “get out the vote” rallies in Springfield by Biden/Harris supporters.

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The Pandemic Election

Virginia voters support Biden, Warner and a new redistricting commission.

Twenty years ago, Virginia was a red state. Republicans scored Virginia's electoral votes in every presidential election since LBJ was reelected in 1964. Republicans held both U.S. Senate seats. The Grand Old Party had all the statewide offices, a majority of the congressional delegation and both chambers of the General Assembly. That was the environment when Mark Warner and Tim Kaine, both Democrats, ran for governor and lieutenant governor.

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An American Patriot Wants YOU to VOTE

Local Vietnam Vet is a strong proponent of voting as a duty.

”Soupy” (John) Tyler walked into Jim Moore’s barber last July and asked him if he’d be willing to make up a sign about voting, something that would inspire people to get out and vote, and he’d be glad to cover the costs.

Pandemic Creates Deeper Arlington Budget Shortfall

As the economic impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic continue, Arlington County is working to close the budget gap as a result of additional revenue shortfalls for the current fiscal year.

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Civilian Oversight

City Council members to consider creating citizen board to investigate police

Last spring, disparities in law enforcement created a groundswell of support for a new civilian review board in Alexandria, a group that could investigate excessive use of force and abuse of authority. Since that time, the General Assembly passed a new law giving these kinds of bodies authority to subpoena documents and witnesses as well as make binding disciplinary determinations. Now members of the City Council are about to consider several options for what kind of civilian review board they want to create.

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In-Person Early Voting Locations Open in Fairfax County

Voters cite ballot controversy and deep divide in the country.

The need to drop their ballot into a secure drop-off box or slide it into a voting machine, spurred thousands of voters to wait in long lines on the first day of in-person early voting at satellite locations in Fairfax County on Oct. 14.
