Free Formal Dresses and Accessories for Students

Free Formal Dresses and Accessories for Students

RCC’s 23rd Annual Diva Central Giveaway

Middle and high school students consider formal wear for prom and spring dance at a previous;y held Diva Central event presented by Reston Community Center at Lake Anne.

Middle and high school students consider formal wear for prom and spring dance at a previous;y held Diva Central event presented by Reston Community Center at Lake Anne. Photo by Mercia Hobson.

Reston Community Center announced it is hosting its 23rd Annual Diva Central Formal and Prom Dress Giveaway at RCC Lake Anne, 609-A Washington Plaza, on Saturday, March 22, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Local middle and high school students can select up to two free formal outfits, dresses, shoes, jewelry, and other accessories for their special spring formal dance or prom. “In addition to making prom more accessible, we hope that Diva Central helps students feel valued,” said RCC Board Chair Beverly Cosham. “This event is designed to empower students by allowing them to choose a dress that makes them feel their best.”