Alexandrians Rank Biggest Health Issues, Strengths in New Community-Wide Health Survey Results

Alexandrians Rank Biggest Health Issues, Strengths in New Community-Wide Health Survey Results

Alexandria Health Department released the results of the 2024 community-wide health survey, a component of the City’s ongoing Community Health Assessment. The Health Department recorded a 30-minute webinar describing the major takeaways and shared the full data online.

The survey, conducted in Fall 2024, asked residents to select Alexandria’s biggest health issues, strengths, and opportunities for improvement.  

Over 2,000 people responded to the survey on paper and online. The demographics of respondents such as their ZIP code, race/ethnicity, preferred language, household income, and age mirrored those of the Alexandria population. 

Highlights include:

* Mental health; alcohol, drug, and opiate use; and obesity, physical activity, and nutrition were ranked as Alexandria’s biggest health issues.

* Diversity; opportunities for involvement and belonging in the community; and educational opportunities were ranked as Alexandria’s biggest strengths. 

* Safe, healthy and affordable housing; access to mental health and substance use services; and support for children, youth, and families were ranked as the factors that would most improve Alexandria’s health. 

* Answers varied across different populations. For instance, older adults and those with higher education levels cited chronic health conditions as a top issue, while individuals with lower incomes selected dental health. 

Visit the CHA/CHIP website to explore the full survey results and the recorded webinar.

Alexandria Health Department will use the results of the survey in addition to a significant data analysis as part of the Community Health Assessment, a comprehensive review of the state of health in Alexandria. The Community Health Assessment will be released by the end of June 2025 and will be used by residents to help build the next 5-year Community Health Improvement Plan.

Alexandrians still have the opportunity to weigh in on the Community Health Assessment by submitting pictures related to health for a community photo album. More details will be shared soon. Residents can also join a Community Walk and Talk in the Landmark/Van Dorn area on Saturday, April 26 at 2 p.m. Find more details and RSVP online.

Talk to AHD staff at the Office of Housing’s Housing Master Plan Update meeting. The event will be held on Tuesday, March 18 from 7 – 9 p.m. at the Patrick Henry K-8 School Cafetorium (4643 Taney Ave.) Learn more in the RSVP form.

Visit the CHA website.

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