Boysko Is Humane Champion

Boysko Is Humane Champion


Boysko Is Humane Champion

To the editor: 

The Humane Society Legislative Fund recently released their 2024 Virginia Humane Scorecard, which grades sitting lawmakers’ votes on animal protection issues. It comes as no surprise that Senator Jennifer Boysko earned a perfect score.

Senator Boysko went above and beyond this past session for animals, patroning four bills included in HSLF’s scorecard. She carried legislation to prohibit those convicted of felony animal cruelty from possessing companion and equine animals, allow localities to create animal cruelty conviction registries, analyze deficiencies in publicly funded animal testing facilities, and permit clinics to offer rabies vaccinations and microchipping services. All these critical bills were signed into law by the Governor.

Senator Boysko is committed to making a difference for the most vulnerable among us. Her work on a range of animal protection issues will directly impact the lives of Virginians and their animals for the better. Please join me in thanking Senator Jennifer Boysko for being a humane champion.

Gina Marie Lynch

Mount Vernon