Guest House Women Enjoy Surprise Treat

Guest House Women Enjoy Surprise Treat

Rhonda Bilal, a Lead RSS & Program Assistant at Guest House, comes out to help carry the marinated cucumber salad.

Rhonda Bilal, a Lead RSS & Program Assistant at Guest House, comes out to help carry the marinated cucumber salad.

Claudia Scott and Sharon Simkin, both longtime Arlington residents, along with another friend ventured to Alexandria with a homemade lunch they had spent the morning preparing for 30 women at Guest House on Wednesday, July 17.  Both women are Virginia Cooperative Extension Master Food Volunteers and trace their cooking adventures together back to their food coop 51 years ago. In fact, Scott points out the lasagna roll recipe that they used today was from 1987 when she and a friend and their daughters made 200 lasagna rolls for the fall church auction function.

It was a 103-degree day, and they could have baked the lasagna rolls in the car during the half hour trip but as Simkin explained, “We wanted to do something to make the women’s recovery journey easier, and good food is always a sure fire winner.”

Katie Shapiro, Volunteer & Development Coordinator for Guest House said most days women just make a lunch for themselves to take to their jobs so this homemade lunch prepared by supporters was a real treat.  “They are going to love this dessert platter with lemon bars, frosted brownies and coconut cake, and these spinach-ricotta lasagna rolls look delicious.” 

Guest House provides a residential program for non-violent women offenders who are reentering the community.  Shapiro explains the community here is really supportive in so many ways.  Guest House recently asked for towels and washcloths for the Guest House residents and had a supply in a few days. This spring supporters provided welcome kits full of toiletries and basic undergarments for the new arrivals at Guest House who often arrive with only basic essentials. “When our washing machine broke down several months ago, we got the funds to replace it in 24 hours.” 

And several times a month local churches and other groups provide a dinner or lunch for the women.  

“Anyone who wants to provide a meal for 30 of our women should contact me at The women will love it.”