Town of Vienna Holds Naturalization Ceremony.

Town of Vienna Holds Naturalization Ceremony.

The door opens for dreams to come true.

Mayor Colbert

Mayor Colbert

Fifteen people from 15 different countries, each with unique cultures and traditions, became United States citizens during the Town of Vienna's Liberty Amendment Month 2024 Naturalization Ceremony on Saturday, June 29. Linda Colbert, the mayor of the Town of Vienna, revealed during her remarks that she had recently met a newly naturalized American citizen. He stressed to her the importance of fully immersing oneself in one's new country and taking advantage of all available opportunities.

"As you all take your Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America today, think about what you will do next to exercise your citizenship rights, but also think about your responsibilities," Colbert said. While voting and other privileges are undoubtedly significant, being an engaged member of one's community is equally essential. … Find a cause or an organization that you are passionate about and volunteer your time and talents," Colbert added.

Ready to recite the Oath of Allegiance, each candidate raised their right hand, eliciting smiles from loved ones and others.

Enoh Ebong, Director of U.S. Trade and Development, delivered the keynote address. During her remarks, the new citizens discovered that she, too, had immigrated to the United States and had sworn her allegiance to the country. At the time, Ebong was sure that her life would undergo a permanent transformation for the better. 

Ebong expressed her appreciation for the opportunity to lead a U.S. government agency that "creates economic opportunities for people living both here in the United States and in our partner countries around the world. … My American dream has come true. Today's naturalization ceremony will be your springboard toward fully recognizing your dreams," Ebong said.

In an email after the ceremony, Mayor Colbert shared her emotional journey: "I got teary on stage, watching the faces of people from many different countries go through the naturalization ceremony. I spoke with a man from Sevilla, Spain. He met his wife there when she was studying abroad for college. He came with her to the U.S., married, and is now a naturalized citizen. His family was so happy for him. The daughter of a naturalized woman from Bolivia stopped me on the way to my car, asking for a picture."

View the 30-minute ceremony on YouTube at