Lamb Work Turns Heads in Springfield

Lamb Work Turns Heads in Springfield

Sheep crew keeps invasive plants at bay

People walked from nearby developments, and traffic slowed or stopped along Gambrill Road on Sunday to watch LambMowers at work. The sheep landscaping crew, under the direction of shepherd Cory Suter of LambMowers, worked to clear the Ridge Road Estates HOA common area field of invasive plants.  

The small field, converted a few years ago from turf grass to a natural meadow, up to this time was only under the care of human hands.  The sheep brought their grazing power, 17 sheep strong, to tackle new invasive vine and plant growth since the last human invasive removal touch-up.

The tall, non-turf grasses, allowed to grow here, serve as important carbon sequesters, as do the native trees. The meadow in its natural state provides an attractive spot for insect and bird pollinators and wildlife of many kinds.