Fairfax City Honors Its Volunteers of the Year

Fairfax City Honors Its Volunteers of the Year

Photo Courtesy of Katherine MacCammon

The honorees are (back row, from left) Janet Jaworski, Joan Black, Albert L. Leightley II, Paul Beechler, Ike Eichenbrenner (Boeing volunteers), Anthony Amos, Timothy T. Tilson, Jim Egbert, Gordon Tillery Jr. and Bryan Sullivan; and (front row, from left) Penny Rood, Deborah Mueller, Jennifer Pearl Hurst, Carolina Hurtado, Linda Powell, Capt. Natalie M. Hinesley and Bridget Merz.

Photo Courtesy of Katherine MacCammon The honorees are (back row, from left) Janet Jaworski, Joan Black, Albert L. Leightley II, Paul Beechler, Ike Eichenbrenner (Boeing volunteers), Anthony Amos, Timothy T. Tilson, Jim Egbert, Gordon Tillery Jr. and Bryan Sullivan; and (front row, from left) Penny Rood, Deborah Mueller, Jennifer Pearl Hurst, Carolina Hurtado, Linda Powell, Capt. Natalie M. Hinesley and Bridget Merz.

Fairfax City’s Volunteer of the Year ceremony, hosted by the InterService Club Council, was held Wednesday, Aug. 7, at the Sherwood Center. Volunteers who help make Fairfax City a great place to live were recognized, and awards were presented to the City’s fire and police First Responders of the Year. Below is the list of winners:

City of Fairfax Fire, First Responder — Bryan Sullivan

City of Fairfax Police, First Responder — Capt. Natalie M. Hinesley

Central Fairfax Chamber of Commerce — Anthony Amos 

Chocolate Lovers Festival Committee — Laura Raymond

Civitan Club of Fairfax — Linda Powell 

Fairfax Ferns Garden Club — Margaret Pfeifle

Fairfax Harley Owners Group — Jim Egbert

Fairfax Host Lions Club — Gordon Tillery, Jr.

Fairfax Station Railroad Museum — Deborah Mueller

Historic Fairfax City, Inc. — Albert L. Leightley II

Independence Day Celebration Committee — Penny Rood

InterService Club Council — Cathy Kelleher

Kiwanis Club of Fairfax — Brad Mayfield 

Knights of Columbus-Father Diamond Council — Timothy T. Tilson

Moose Lodge #2168 — Bridget Merz

Optimist Club of Central Fairfax — Maxwell Osei Anokye

Rotary Club of Fairfax — Jennifer Pearl Hurst

Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary — Carolina Hurtado

Shelter House Inc. — Boeing Volunteers

Shepherd’s Center of Fairfax-Burke — Joan Black

Woman’s Club of Fairfax — Janet Jaworski

Zonta Club of Fairfax — Paul Beechler.