Letter: Protecting Student Learning

Letter: Protecting Student Learning

This is in response to Ken Plum’s (D. 36th District) opinion piece in your January 26th edition in which he asserts that “Critical Race Theory (CRT) is not taught in the public schools” in Fairfax County. That statement, frequently repeated by politicians on his side of the aisle, is, at best, very misleading.  Sure, you can’t find a class labeled CRT in Fairfax Public Schools.  However, CRT has been infused within the system as a ”framework” or “lens” through which education can proceed. How else do you explain FCPS paying Ibram X. Kendi, a well-known proponent of CRT, to speak to principals, teachers, and staff during the summer of 2020.  (Contract #247981511). FCPS’ Chief Equity Officer, who appeared with Professor Kendi during his presentation, is reported to have used the term “academic frame” to describe lessons that teachers could be expected to present during the 2021-2022 school year.  See Washington Times, October 26, 2021.

Parents have legitimate concerns that there is more “indoctrination” going on in FCPS than repeated denials that CRT is not being taught would suggest, all too frequently explained as being in alignment with “equity,” “social and emotional learning,” and Fairfax’s One Fairfax policy.

Richard Porter
