Officer Carly Hirschman just joined the ACPD Community Outreach unit six months ago, and this is her first toy drive event.

Ten-month-old Police Service dog FRK9 Brooks stands nearby, tail wagging with each passing car. His handler, Regina Ryan, says they have been together since his arrival last July. Brooks arrived from 1st Responder Canine and has been assigned to the Community Outreach unit where he will interact with the community at ACPD events.
A small boy looks wistfully out his window as two police officers accept his family’s donations through the car window.
In pre-COVID years small children would skip around the parking lot clutching their puzzles, books, Legos and gaily dressed dolls and head to deposit the toys themselves.
The ACPD toy drive began Nov. 11 at Ballston Quarter and ends Dec. 3 at Arlington Assembly of God at 4501 N. Pershing Drive. The seventh annual toy drive requests new unwrapped toy donations, which will be distributed to community organizations throughout the month of December. In the past the trunks of the police cruisers would fill up quickly and have been replaced this year with a police trailer.
Toys may also be donated at police headquarters located at 1425 N Courthouse Road at the second floor Administrative Support Unit front counter until Dec. 10.
Fill the Cruiser Events
Tuesday, Nov. 30 at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.; 830 23rd Street S.
Friday, Dec. 3 at Arlington Assembly of God, 5 p.m. – 7 p.m.; 4501 N. Pershing Drive