It is a month of Ramadan and all healthy Muslims will be fasting from dawn to Sunset. Muslims fast because the benefits of fasting range from spiritual, to societal, to medical.
As the nature of man is weak, we naturally want to fulfill our desires beyond limit. During this spiritual exercise, we learn self control and it helps us improve in our morals. In addition to controlling the appetite, Muslims are specifically encouraged to control their speech and temper and focus on spiritual improvement.
While fasting, one is also confronted with the reality that there are people in the world who cannot afford their basic needs such as food, drink, and shelter. As a result we try to become thankful for what we have and consequently become more charitable. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) stated, "Do your duty to God as well as the creation of God equitably.” Thus, besides our relationship with God, it is important to be good towards our fellow humans.
Ramadan teaches us to care for the weaker sections of our society and learn to sacrifice for others to create a beautiful society.
With self-control, fasting also discourages over-eating and once a year diet-control can be a great way to detoxify our digestive systems.
With the spiritual, societal, and medical benefits in mind, why not give it a try?
Aasma Ahmad