Opinion: Letter to the Editor: ‘Historic Designation’ Disregarded at Colvin Run

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: ‘Historic Designation’ Disregarded at Colvin Run

I would like to bring to your attention the massive construction and relocation of the Colvin Run stream at the intersection of Carper's Farm Way and Route 7.

My family moved to the Carper's Farm neighborhood in July of 1992. During the course of the purchase of our home, we were notified as per the survey plot of our property and the Carper's Farm subdivision, that our home is located in an historic district. We researched this historic district designation with Fairfax County and were informed that our property, all of the properties on Scenic View Terrace as well as the Colvin Run stream are part of an historic district since all these properties face the Colvin Run Mill located across Route 7 in Great Falls. Colvin Run Mill is located on the National Register of Historic Places.

When I first learned of the proposed construction of the widening of Route 7 and the subsequent relocation of Colvin Run stream, I brought the historic district designation to the attention of various representatives from VDOT and Fairfax County at meetings held with our neighborhood. These representatives never provided answers to my concerns. I think you can use the power of the press to pursue how can this "historic district" designation be completely disregarded, hundreds of trees removed, and an entire stream and ecosystem bulldozed and relocated? Does Fairfax County and VDOT not believe in preserving Fairfax County's historic district designations, and if these designations can so easily be ignored, why do they exist at all?

Hope Reynolds
