American Legion Department of Virginia Commander Bill Feasenmyer, center back, celebrates the members of American Legion Post 24 who completed the 100 Miles for Hope Challenge in support of the Veterans & Children Foundation. Photo by John Bordner/Gazette Packet
Members of American Legion Post 24 gathered Nov. 11 to mark Veterans Day and celebrate the completion of the 100 Miles for Hope challenge, a virtual 100-mile walk/run/ride that began Aug. 3 and ran through Veterans Day.
American Legion Department of Virginia Commander Bill Feasenmyer attended the ceremony and congratulated those who completed the challenge, which served to raise awareness and support for the Veterans & Children Foundation as well as encourage American Legion family members to be active during a time of social distancing.
The foundation provides grants for military and veteran parents in unexpected financial crises and supports service officers in their efforts to obtain care, benefits and opportunities for disabled veterans and families. The American Legion's 3,000 accredited service officers provide free assistance for any veteran in need. To contact Post 24 Service Officer Kelly Niernberger, email or call 703-395-9660.