From Common to Exotic: Reston Pets Mark Their Owners’ Hearts

From Common to Exotic: Reston Pets Mark Their Owners’ Hearts

"Luna’s a couch potato Italian Greyhound who loves relaxing at her home in Reston!” – Tom Steiner of Reston.

"Luna’s a couch potato Italian Greyhound who loves relaxing at her home in Reston!” – Tom Steiner of Reston. Photo contributed


“Hedge has been the best thing to happen to me; his tiny feet have made a huge mark on my heart. He told me he wanted a sibling…but my own sibling/landlord told me no, so I bought this shirt instead.” – Heather Fields, former Restonian, current Reston volunteer and owner of the hedgehog, Baron von Hedge of Elkridge, “Hedge” or “The Baron” for short.


Chance, an Australian Shepherd says, "Snow days are the best!” – Sophia Staples of Reston.


"I have an overbite," says Kona, a chocolate English Labrador Retriever owned by Patrick Leonard of Reston.


Saint Archer the puppy was born on Valentine’s Day to Momma dog, Lunabell. "I call the coffee cup, a pup-a-ccino.” – Theodore Bonham of Reston.

Pet owners in Reston take pride in their creatures and enjoy their unconditional love and amusing antics. Pets, on the other hand, help care for their humans. Reston dogs take their willing and not so willing two-legged friends out by the leash for a little exercise and socialization, up and down pathways and into nearby village centers. Indoor creatures, cats, birds and even curious little hedgehogs appear to know just when to cuddle up to their humans.