Supervisor Pat Herrity (R-Springfield) kicked off his 2019 Small Business Tour with a stop at Peterson’s Ice Cream Depot in Clifton.
“As an employer, community leader, and ice cream maker, Peterson’s Ice Cream Depot is a prime example of all of the ways small businesses better our communities,” said Herrity. “I’m proud of the work I have done to reform the County’s zoning and permitting process to allow new businesses to start and thrive in Fairfax County.”
“Pat Herrity is a champion of the small business community,” said Tom Peterson, owner, Peterson’s Ice Cream Depot. “Pat understands the struggles many business owners face and what it takes to build a strong economy where businesses can flourish. I will be voting for Pat on Nov. 5.”
Supervisor Herrity will continue his small businesses tour throughout the remainder of the calendar year.