Herndon High School Theatre presents “She Kills Monsters: Young Adventurers Edition,” by Qui Nguyen, a contemporary dramatic comedy centered around Agnes Evans, a high schooler who is longing to learn more about her recently-deceased sister, Tilly. Soon after discovering Tilly’s Dungeons and Dragons notebook, Agnes finds herself propelled into a fantastical adventure complete with ominous ogres and bloodthirsty fairies, and she learns more about Tilly than she ever could have imagined. Celebrate your “inner nerd” and discover why audiences are talking about this action-packed story of grief, discovery, and acceptance.
Parental guidance recommended — contains adult humor and language, violence, and mature themes.
Performance Dates: Friday, Dec. 7, 7-9 p.m.; Saturday, Dec. 8, 7-9 p.m.; Sunday, Dec. 9, 2-4 p.m.; Friday, Dec.14, 7-9 p.m.;Saturday, Dec. 15, 7-9 p.m.; and Sunday, Dec.16, 2-4 p.m.
Performance Location: Herndon High School Auditorium, 700 Bennett Street, Herndon. Park in the front and enter through door #11, or park to the side and enter through door #10.
Tickets & Information: $9/student and $12/adult in advance Online at www.HerndonDrama.org; $10/student and $15/adult at Box Office.