The 230-acre McLean Community Business Center, more commonly called downtown McLean, is focused around the intersection of Chain Bridge Road and Old Dominion Drive. Map courtesy of Fairfax County
Fairfax County is launching its planning study for downtown McLean with three community workshops in June.
The first meeting will take place on Monday, June 4, 7-9 p.m. in the cafeteria of McLean High School, 1633 Davidson Road, McLean. The study focuses on the 230-acre area that’s called the McLean Community Business Center in the county’s Comprehensive Plan. More commonly called downtown McLean, this is the area centered around the intersection of Chain Bridge Road and Old Dominion Drive.
This undertaking will give residents the opportunity to update the vision for downtown McLean. The process will consider changes to land uses, development intensities, transportation, public facilities and possible urban design.
The county has hired a consultant, Streetsense, to assist in the visioning process.Streetsense will facilitate three community workshops in June. After the workshops are completed and the consultant has compiled and analyzed community input, the county will sponsor two community meetings in the fall to help finalize the vision plan. Afterwards, a task force made up of residents will work with county staff to translate the community’s vision into recommendations for changes to the Comprehensive Plan. The task force meetings will be open to the public.
The workshops are designed to build on each other and will cover different topics. But it is not necessary to attend all three:
Monday, June 4, 7-9 p.m.: This first workshop will focus on market influences and development decision making.
Wednesday, June 13, 7-9 p.m.: This second workshop will focus on planning, design and placemaking.
Saturday, June 23, 9:00 a.m.-noon: This third workshop will focus on community immersion and understanding.
Each workshop will be held in the cafeteria at McLean High School, located at 1633 Davidson Road in McLean. Childcare is available for children 5 and older. Residents who plan to attend are encouraged to RSVP. Childcare will be available for children age five and older; reservation can be made by contacting Amy Ordonez at 703-787-4962, TTY 711, or by email.
Additional information can be found on the McLean Community Business Center Study at
For more information about the study, future meetings or reasonable ADA accommodations, contact Katrina Newtson with Fairfax County Department of Planning and Zoning at 703-324-1380.