At the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, June 5, the Board appointed five new members to the McLean Community Center’s Governing Board. New adult members are Carole Herrick, Raj Mehra and Terri Markwart, who will serve three-year terms. The Langley High School boundary area member is Megan Markwart and the McLean High School Boundary area member is Lauren Herzberg. The two teen members will serve one-year terms.
The five residents of Small District 1A-Dranesville won seats on the MCC Governing Board by getting the highest number of votes at the Governing Board election, which was held at the McLean Day 2018 festival on Saturday, May 19, at Lewinsville Park. The League of Women Voters acted as tellers.
MCC Governing Board Elections & Nominations Committee Chair Kat Kehoe certified the results to Dranesville District Supervisor John W. Foust, who presented the successful candidates’ names to the BOS on Tuesday.
The new board members took their seats on the MCC Governing Board at the board’s regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, June 6. Officers were elected for the 2018-2019 Board term, with the following results: Paul Kohlenberger, Chair; Desi Woltman, Vice-Chair; Julie Waters, Secretary; Elizabeth John, Treasurer.
For more information, call the Center at 703-790-0123, TTY: 711, or visit: