Employing an innovative stormwater management strategy, the Town of Vienna has completed installation of a rain garden along the back edge of the parking lot behind Town Hall, located at 127 Center Street S.
“Rain garden” is a term for an alternative system of curbs, gutters, and storm sewers that traditionally handle rain and stormwater. Instead of pipes and concrete, special kinds of plants, soils, and mulches are combined in low-lying areas. This combination works as a filter for the stormwater washing off impervious surfaces such as roads and parking lots.
The rain garden not only focuses on quantity issues related to rainwater runoff, it also addresses water quality issues. The garden “treats” urban water runoff by cleansing the water of materials, such as phosphorus, sediment, or anything else the water may collect on its way to the garden. As a result, the water that continues to flow through the stormwater system and out into the streams and Chesapeake Bay is cleaner than the water going into the garden.
“The best stormwater management practices are highly effective forms of taking care of infrastructure while also treating the Town’s water supply with care,” says Town Water Quality Engineer Christine Horner. “We are always looking for improvements, and we can’t wait to do more.”