Due to construction of the new Fairfax County commuter parking garage at the future Metrorail Silver Line’s Herndon Station site, the access road from Sunrise Valley Drive to the Herndon-Monroe park and ride facility will be closed starting Friday. Nov. 10, through Sunday, Nov. 26, 2017.
Commuters who wish to use the existing Herndon-Monroe garage during this time will need to enter and exit the facility via the Dulles Toll Road (Rt. 267). This detour will require drivers to pay a $1 toll upon exiting the garage with an E-Z Pass or exact change.
Commuters can alternatively consider using the Reston South Park and Ride located at the intersection of Reston Parkway and Fox Mill Road (parking is free but limited); or the commuter parking garage located at the Wiehle-Reston East Metrorail Station (parking costs $4.95 per day, payable by SmartTrip card, or credit and debit card only.)
Due to the construction activities, Fairfax Connector passengers using routes that serve the Herndon-Monroe Park and Ride facility should expect significant delays. Also, the following bus stops on Sunrise Valley Drive - served by Routes 924, 926, 927, 937, 950, 951 and 551 - will be missed:
Stop #3495 at Colt Brook Drive
Stop #3541 at Milburn Lane
Stop #3566 at Thunder Chase Drive
Commuters usually using the stops not served should board buses at the Herndon-Monroe Park and Ride facility. Pedestrians can access the bus bays by entering through the garage.
For more information on the service impacts of the construction project, commuters can:
Call 703-339-7200, TTY 703-339-1608 (Monday - Friday, 5 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Saturday - Sunday, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.)
Email fairfaxconnector@fairfaxcounty.gov