International Stands Add Variety to Farmer’s Market in Arlington

International Stands Add Variety to Farmer’s Market in Arlington

Marymount Farmer’s Market opens May 27.

Marymount Farmer’s Market opens May 27. Photo by Shirley Ruhe.


New Turkish stand offers baklava, Halal meats, simit and poca.


New Georgian stand offers khachapovi in several versions.


New Austrian stand has a line to try apple strudel.


Toigo Orchards returns with tomatoes, strawberries and peppers.

The Marymount Farmer’s Market took on a new personality Saturday, May 27 with the addition of several new international stands. Georgian Feast offered khachapovi, with cheese and other versions with spinach or eggplant. The Taste of Turkey displayed a large skewer of Halal meat ready for slicing in thin strips as well stuffed simit buns, and the soft white poca, humus and both pistachio and walnut baklava. The family has been in this country for 15 years, but this was their first time at a farmer’s market.

The Austrian booth had a line of customers waiting to try the apple strudel. “Just put it in the oven at 350 degrees for five minutes to crisp up the crust again. Then you can serve it with whipped cream or ice cream.” It was their first time, too.

Other regulars lined the parking lot including Hog Havens Farm with bacon, tenderloin and boston butt with a special pomegranate lemonade that caught the eye of the little ones. Jars of pumpkin apricot and honied-yellow tomato butter, today’s favorites, sat along side pickled products and salsa from Great Valley Farms in Mt. Jackson, Va. Everything is organic here.

A small arm barely able to reach on top of the table attempted to grab a skewer of fresh donut holes from the Arlington Donut Hole stand. At the end of the row was Spriggs Delight Farm, another returning booth with artisan goat cheese. Today’s favorites seemed to be between garlic and herb or the camembert. At the bookend near Glebe Road, Toigo Orchards displayed a colorful yellow and red tomato table with baskets of fresh strawberries lined up next to containers of crisp cucumbers. Cold country salmon stacked ice chests of fresh fish while Panorama Bakery advertised today’s special chocolate croissant at $1.50.

This market is located at Old Dominion and Glebe Road. It is open from 9-a.m.-1 p.m. on Saturdays from May 27-Nov. 18.