Vienna — Week in Vienna
Oakton High School Students Take First Place
A student team from Oakton High School earned a first place award at the 2017 DECA International Career Development Conference held in Anaheim. The winning team included Oakton High students Shazmeena Khattak and Sambriddi Pandey who won first place in the Sports and Entertainment Marketing Operations Research Event.
Bus Headed from Vienna for Memorial Day Event
Vienna’s Church of the Good Shepherd (United Methodist) is inviting local veterans to attend the May 29 Memorial Day wreath laying event in Washington, D.C., at the World War II Memorial, where Good Shepherd’s pastor will pray and church member Dave Yoho will be a featured speaker.
“A bus has been provided to leave from our church to attend the wreath laying on Memorial Day,” said The Rev. Eric Song, Good Shepherd’s pastor. “We have seats available and would like them to be used by veterans and elderly who would have a hard time driving to the WWII Memorial.”
Fairfax businessman and professional speaker Dave Yoho has been selected to address those at the Memorial Day program. Yoho, an author and World War II veteran, will speak prior to the wreath laying at the World War II Memorial. The bus will leave the Vienna church around 7:45 a.m. May 29 and return after noon. Those wishing to join the trip are asked to sign up at
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund Update and Programs
Chapter 227, Vietnam Veterans of America Inc., invites all veterans, friends, and the general public to attend the June 15 chapter meeting at Neighbor’s Restaurant, 262D Cedar Lane, Cedar Lane Shopping Center, Vienna, at 7:30 p.m. Jim Knotts, President and CEO of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, will discuss the programs and displays for the proposed Education Center on the Mall. Admission is free. For information, call Len Ignatowski at 703-255-0353 or visit