Members of the Mount Vernon-Lee Chamber of Commerce received an update on the widening of Route 1 from Jeff Todd Way to Napper Road from Virginia Department of Transportation representatives at their regular Business Breakfast on March 9. Photo by Tim Peterson.
Widening of Route 1 over three miles between Jeff Todd Way and Napper Road is still in the preliminary design phase. Construction on the estimated $215 million project is expected to begin in 2023 and take two years to complete.
Members of the Mount Vernon-Lee Chamber of Commerce received an update on the project from Virginia Department of Transportation representatives at their regular Business Breakfast on March 9.
Though design is being worked on, the widening project will expand the roadway from four to six lanes, give walkers and bikers “accommodations” on either side of the highway, and integrate median space for future Bus Rapid Transit.
Several chamber members expressed concern about how the widening would impact businesses with frontage or signage along the highway.
The VDOT representatives said some properties may need to be relocated for utility and other easements, but that there would be great care taken to try to find other properties with appropriate features for those losing their location.
Del. Paul Krizek (D-44) asked if it would be possible to simply move the center line of the new roadway to avoid having to relocate established businesses. VDOT said they would try to make small shifts, but reiterated the design is still very preliminary.
They encouraged everyone to attend a public information meeting scheduled for Tuesday. April 18, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Mount Vernon High School, at 8515 Old Mt Vernon Road in Alexandria.
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