Great Falls Citizens Association Members Elect New Officers

Great Falls Citizens Association Members Elect New Officers

The Great Falls Citizens Association membership elected the following officers and directors for its upcoming fiscal year, July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2018, at its June membership meeting.

Re-elected for one-year terms were:

· Bill Canis, president; and

· Phil Pifer, vice president.

Elected to at-large directors for the GFCA’s Executive Board, for 2-year terms, were:

· Ruth Carver,

· Wayne Foley,

· David Kondner,

· Torsten Kracht,

· Dawn MacPhee,

· Gary Pan,

· Ed Phillips and

· Laurie Rowe.

Continuing to serve out terms from last year’s election are:

· James Trent, treasurer;

· Eric Knudsen, past president;

· Ralph Apton, director;

· Jennifer Chronis, director;

· Pam Grosvenor, director;

· Matt Haley, director;

· Scott Knight, director;

· Jackie Taylor, director; and

· Sandy Walker.

The GFCA was unable to find a qualified candidate for the secretary position, which stands vacant.