“Dispensing Mercy” will be the topic of the Feb. 27 meeting of Agenda:Alexandria. Chris Foard, a consultant to the Alexandria-based PBS series Mercy Street, will be the featured speaker.
Inspired by the PBS drama series Mercy Street, “Dispensing Mercy” will be the featured subject of the upcoming Feb. 27 meeting of Agenda:Alexandria.
Set in Alexandria during the Civil War, Mercy Street is inspired by events that took place at the Mansion House Hospital, which was located in front of the Carlyle House. Chris Foard, a consultant on the show, will be the featured speaker and will share his lifelong research and collection of first person accounts and artifacts.
Foard is considered an expert on Civil War nursing and has amassed a collection of over 3,200 artifacts that illustrate how those who cared for the thousands of wounded and dying in the Civil War helped lay the foundation of modern nursing.
A life member of Disabled American Veterans, Foard earned a Master’s of Science in Nursing from Wesley College. He has presented at various colleges and universities, the American Association for the History of Nursing, Delaware Nurse’s Association, the American Assembly for Men in Nursing and the Navy Nurse Corps. His nursing collection has been exhibited locally and nationally including at the Dittrick Medical Museum in Cleveland, the Carlyle House and the Clara Barton House in Glen Echo. Rare photos from his collection have also been exhibited at the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C., and the Massachusetts Historical Society in Boston.
The Agenda:Alexandria meeting will take place Feb. 27 at The Hermitage, located at 5000 Fairbanks Ave. A cash bar reception begins at 6:30 p.m. followed by dinner at 6:45 p.m. Program begins at 7:15 p.m. and ends promptly at 9 p.m. Reservations can be made online at www.agendaalexandria.com.